Powers of X

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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A Platypus Plumber · 86

Powers of X #6

Have you ever wanted to have a comic accurate X-Men reboot in Marvel Champions? Want to Create your own X-Men team and have them die multiple times? This deck is perfect for you.

So far, this deck has won the Guardians and Mutant campaigns on Heroic as well Heroic Red Skull, Ultron, Green Goblin and more.

Powers of X:

The Goal of this deck is to have as many X-Men get killed by the Villain as you can. But don't worry this is the Marvel Universe, no one is ever really dead. A reboot is right around the corner. All you need is a little Phoenix power and the Tactical Brillance to bring back the right X-Men.

Dawn of X:

The comics aren't going to let their characters stay dead and neither should you. The core of this deck is simple. Put your X-Men back into your hand with Regroup and play them again during your next turn. Kill Phoenix first during the villain phase so can grab Tactical Brillance which can in turn grab Regroup. This means you can play any X-Men that are defeated every round so long as you have the resources. Resources aren't much of a problem if you have Uncanny X-Men giving a discount for every single ally you play. These are the allies I used but X-Men allies can do almost anything so get to making your own team. If you need help here's a run down of X-Men doing whatever you could ask for.

Have a annoying attachment anywhere? Sunfire can get rid of it for you.

A minion you don't want to kill? Send it to limbo with Magik.

A side scheme? Storm can remove 2 + move 2 threat from a side scheme and tactical brilliance can do 3. If you are playing in multiplayer and there is still threat left over, Cyclops + Utopia can do an extra 4.

Still need more threat removed? Readying Professor X with Utopia can give you 6.

Want to confuse the Villain every round? Professor X can handle it.

Want to ready Multiple X-Men? Professor X + Utopia have got this too.

Need an cheap ally and/or an X-Men support in your hand? Forge and Angel both only cost 1.

Does an Enemy have a pesky tough status card? Wolverine has piercing.

Need to kill a lot of weak minions or Ultron Drones? Use Dust. Maybe even Twice.

Want a Quincarrier but you don't have the Avenger trait? No need to worry, turn Wolverine into one with Clarity of Purpose.

Want to confuse a minion? That's easy for Banshee but since that's not usually worth it he's also got good basic power stats.

Want to look ahead in the encounter deck? Blindfold will let you do that.

Do you need to damage a minion and thwart at the same time? Seems like cheating but Marvel Girl does it anyway.

Are you trying to play lots of allies but don't have enough resources? Play Beast and grab Band Together or any basic resources.

Is an Ally you need in the discard pile? Good thing you have Pixie. If you don't need the ally just use it as a resource.

Nightcrawler. Yeah he single-handedly made me win when Operation Zero Tolerance was permanent. Use X-Jet to activate his Interrupt and then he only costs 2 to play again.

Why wouldn't you want Polaris and a tough card every round? Or Colossus' tough to take an attack? Or even two attacks if another player has Hangar Bay.

Does the Villain have overkill? Let Cyclops take the damage, he's not doing anything anyway. Or you could play Rockslide to retaliate and soak up lots of damage or extra minion attacks.

Are you trying to kill something? Try Havok and Gentle, they both have high ATK.

Mirage can stun a minion. Maybe.

And Longshot. I mean it's possible he kills the minion in one hit. Definitely possible.

The Deck:

You'll want at minimum 2 "resource" generators (Team-Building Exercise, Avengers Mansion, The X-Jet, Helicarrier, Clarity of Purpose) and Uncanny X-Men before you start looping your X-Men by killing Phoenix. Use your allies to do a little thwarting and damage while you get your supports and then bring out the whole team when you are ready.

If you draw Regroup while resetting your hand, Congratulations, you don't have to pay for Tactical Brillance and kill Phoenix this villain phase.

If you need more cards on your turn put Priority Target on it and blast it with Ruby Quartz Visor to draw two cards.

Cerebro is here so Forge gives you a refund of resources if The X-Jet is already out.

Are you defending for other players all the time? Use Polaris, Beast, 2 other cheap allies to be able to defend 6 attacks. And find a friend who will give you Unflappable.

Do you need more THW/ATK per round? Replace Effective Leadership and Innovation with Lead from the Front to bump up all of your ally powers.

Are you having trouble finding Uncanny X-Men? Just use three copies and use the extras as resources.

Do you want to play White Tiger from your hand every round? Go ahead but you wont get the discount from Uncanny X-Men or the Ally Limit increase from Utopia.

Playing Multiplayer? Don't let your friends play Phoenix. But you can let them play Boot Camp, Unflappable, Hangar Bay, Sense of Justice, or Heroic Intuition on you in exchange for you doing anything they could ask. Regroup works for all the allies on the table so the other players will get their allies back as well.

Want to cancel Shadow of the Past? or Cruel Intentions I got nothing. I did say almost anything didn't I?