Adam Warlock

Just for information : "Battle Mage - Action: Discard 1 card from your hand. Limit once per phase." It's an Action, so you can't activate "Battle Mage" during the Villain phase. Discarding cards when you have two "Mystic Senses" is really powerfull !

Lannes · 1
Leo Fitz

Will be amazing in a War Machine deck where alter-ego James Rhodes can play it at 1 cost to fish for Shoulder Cannon, Upgraded Chassis and the rest of his kit.

It only searches your deck, but James Rhodes can shuffle those cards from discard to deck anyways to get around this before activating it.

sulimo · 4
Might be good in a SPDR deck too since her most of her interfaces are tech. — chrisrivers13 · 1
In a SPDR deck you’d have to use your whole alter-ego hand to pay for it, which is a loss of tempo for the future benefit of playing an interface. I find that most likely just using the turn to maintain board status will get her built out just as fast, if not faster than using Fitz would. — Zexin389 · 1
"You Got This!"

Other than working with ally recursion, this seems silly. You could just use Get Ready or Teamwork for one cheaper cost and get more versatility. This should be a zero cost card, or it should add the ally's matching power for the round to work with Magneto's readying abilities. On the Avenger side, Inspiring Presence is MUCH better. All this does is let you exhaust your hero and your ally, and then get one more use out of both in the same round at the cost of using your ally to block. Seems like there's better ways to do this.

Unless you're Iceman and get to apply more Frostbite, or Drax and get to hit like a truck and draw a card, or Quicksilver and get to use Friction Resistance again, or SP//dr and get to use your other Interfaces, or Wasp and you thwart for a bunch and split it, or... anyone else who particularly likes using Basic Powers. The benefit is in getting to use your Hero's Basic Power again, and at a high tempo; if that's better than a regular ally activation, then you're set. And that's not even factoring in things like Sneak Attack or To Me, My X-Men. — Leethus · 102
Underthewronghat, I'm not sure why you are comparing a card that primarily is to ready your hero to cards which only ready an ally? E.g. if I have the Ironheart ally out, I could use Get Ready to attack for 1 - or I could discard her with You Got This and have X-23 attack for 7 (genuine in-game situation where I've used this card). The extra use of the ally's stats, while helpful, is not the point. — TwoHands · 47
Keep Up the Pressure

Such a fun card! I've only played this in a Storm Aggression deck so far and it's been phenomenal. There are lots of ways to remove threat after dealing damage. Being able to recur a big attack event that you just played and run it back with extra damage can make for some huge turns. 10/10 would play again.

Nick Fury, Sr.

Nick Fury Sr is a notch below the OG but still very strong.

  • 3 threat vs 2 threat: Nick Sr is better
  • Draw 2 vs Draw 3: OG Nick has the advantage. This is how he is used 95% of the time, so drawing 1 fewer card does lower Nick Sr.'s ceiling
  • Give S.H.I.E.L.D. tough vs 4 damage: Two very different effects, useful at different points in the game, call it a draw

If you are building an optimized deck, original Nick will still get first priority, but there's no reason you can't play both. They play well with ally ready effects like Command Team due to their 2nd hit point usually going to waste. They have lots of front-loaded value, avoiding the low tempo issue some other allies have. They help you draw through your deck fast to get to your best cards. Sr is a staple-level card that might not enable any splashy new archetypes but will provide power and consistency to a wide number of decks.

Stretch22 · 974