S.H.I.E.L.D. Director

Definitely a cornerstone card for Maria Hill that should be played as soon as you draw into it.

With her ability to move counters around, you are better off playing this card along with cheaper supports and charging the cheaper, weaker options for a couple of turns then playing the pricier support options in a turn where you'd have to use this card as a resource to do so. The pricier "helicarrier" options can always get pulled with your ability in AE mode on your following turns.

Earth Dragon · 1589
Life Model Decoy

You're going to have plenty of try hards trying to convince everyone else that this is a bad, under powered card due to this that or the other card giving you a tough token or stunning the Villian at a better cost.

But this is always a fool's view. This works in conjunction with all of those things but as a separate layer, providing protection that ignores piercing, stalwart, and all those other things that bat other protections to the side and make them ineffective at times. And it allows you to still use those other layers, and even defend against weaker attacks, and can stay on the table until you need it.

Even in decks (or playing with other decks) that can provide cheap stuns and toughs, this is still a card you should be looking to get on the table, if and when you can, due to it being there on later turns when other damage prevention methods are being mitigated or not getting drawn into.

Earth Dragon · 1589
Support Staff

There are two big things here that makes it a bit more impressive then a Web-Shooter

First is the fact there are a lot of things in here deck that but more counters on it, move counters to and from it, and even use it as a grenade if you need clear a bunch of toughs or weak minions utilizing the rest of her deck.

Second is the fact it can be used on other players with the SHIELD trait. This is a bit more common then you may realize. War Machine, Captain America, Black Widow, Captain Marvel, Hawkeye......the list goes a ways of characters who have the SHIELD trait on their Alter-Ego side. Both players should be paying attention for this on how to optimize your turn as a team. Multiplayer quickly turns into a more difficult format when you have a team of solo acts not trying to optimize as a group. James Rhodes spending a couple of turns building up his board and shuffling all his best cards back into his deck may be the best play, and so Maria Hill players should be keeping this in mind.

Earth Dragon · 1589
Maria Hill

You'll see this said plenty of times for many of Maria Hill cards, but she really pulls cards like Surveillance Team and Tac Team out of binder fodder status for her. Having cheaper, higher token capacity cards allows her to re-load her "hover carriers" more easily. It's also a better use of cards like Reinforcements to load them up 2+ lesser supports and move those tokens over with reassignment then to just put a single token on her behemoths.

I understand the move to have her in Leadership for her pre-con, but look to see a lot of deck builds for her in Justice, and even some in Aggression and Protection. And the way I am reading her deck-building exception, if you aren't using the Helicarriers, she can include a playset (3) of the other supports, allowing for a lot of deck building variance. For those of you playing multiplayer, getting Med Teams into her deck, regardless of aspect, will give you a lot leeway with what you can accomplish for the team, as she has cards that use those med teams for thwarting and damage, in addition to their base ability to heal and provide "battery" charges for the Helicarrier supports from her pre-con you decide to keep.

Field Agent is going to be an invaluable card for many builds for her in any aspect as she makes ALL your allies into SHIELD allies. I can see most decks going one of two ways with her: spam lots of support and only use a few allies as mostly blockers or for their special ability, and then Ally heavy decks relying on Field Agent and cards like Teamwork and supports like Inspired to keep bodies on the table and firing away at high capacity with "Voltron" primary or secondary strategies.

Finally, as she is a Spy, she has access to Breaking and Entering and Espionage on top of all the Shield supports and allies operating just fine from Alter-Ego. Look to her to have many decks where she can just hang out away from the battle coordinating from "afar", utilizing that 2 extra cards (the second from her exhaust ability) to counter balance whatever scheming is being done. Just be aware if playing like this the lack of the "SHIELD" trait that will be on your allies most of the time who aren't sporting it already.

Earth Dragon · 1589
On the Double

This card is cheap and easy, but does need to be used with skill and caution. With her ability to recharge supports and use them as grenades, Maria Hill doesn't want to just burn through all her support cards. Not to mention using cheaper support cards like Surveillance Team for Caught Off Guard fodder, you don't want to over do yourself and only be left with vital supports and upgrades on the table.

With that said, this is an exceptional card to have high production turns for any aspect you play Maria Hill in. With her ability to mix Supports from other aspects, you can see some big board state swings with her being able to Heal, Thwart, and deal damage with whichever is highly needed at the time

Earth Dragon · 1589