God of Lightning and Ever Vigilant Defender

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

InigoMontoya · 4240

"Are you Thor, God of Hammers?"

Hell no, he's not. He's Thor, God of Thunder. Which both the movie and I mean to be God of Lots and Lots of Lightning. All the ! In Ratatouille, this deck would be known as lightningy!

Why the ? Because Nova and Lightning Strike want as many as possible. Because Thor just looks cooler surrounded by all the electricity. Because Nova and Thor is a combination I've wanted to make since getting Marvel Champions.

19 cards in all, and two God of Thunder and two Enhanced Reflexes to add more. With Quincarrier, that could get you to 5 damage to each enemy with Lightning Strike. Enough to take out the lesser Kree Militants in Ronan the Accuser.

Setup and Priority

Mulligan hard to get Asgard. For Asgard! will get you there. Remember that equipping Mjolnir gets you not only +1 ATK, but also the aerial trait.

With Aerial, Thor has three AAA traits in total: Aerial, Asgard and Avengers. Triple A makes #Team-Building Exercise work with 12 cards total. TBE is definitely your next priority.

Now, setup God of Thunder, Quincarrier and Enhanced Reflexes for your Lightning Strike and Nova damage. Remember that Nova can do two damage multiple times if you have the resources (and you do!).

Next, use some Ever Vigilant with Team-Building Exercise for a 1 cost card that will ready Thor and remove 2 threat.

After that, let's defend as well as possible. He is the Defender of the Nine Realms after all, right? So, give him an Armored Vest. Give him Electrostatic Armor. Give him Energy Barrier. Let him use that get an extra card from Unflappable.

Put out Lady Sif, Desperate Defense, Indomitable, and Ever Vigilant to ready yourself after you defend each round.

Then you can dish out the damage with Hammer Throw, Lightning Strike, and Thor's basic attack.


When you add in, Avengers Mansion and Thor's Helmet, you should have enough cards and hit points to outlast most villains.

Use Defender of the Nine Realms as much as you can. In GMW, that becomes harder with each villain because the minions have more and more hit points. Still, Thor would never back down from a challenge, and neither should you!


May 19, 2021 turtles04 · 459

I dig it.

May 19, 2021 InigoMontoya · 4240

@turtles04 Thank you! It was a lot of fun to make and write up. Thor is becoming more and more versatile.

May 20, 2021 DukeWellington · 4985

Green is also becoming more versatile. I was contemplating a similar deck so I'm wondering what you think of Dauntless here. With Thor's Helmet he can get above starting HP. Do you think it works or does he always end up taking too much damage?

May 20, 2021 InigoMontoya · 4240

@DukeWellington Thanks for commenting! I love your Ms. Marvel Now Dominates deck. It's part of the reason she's one of my favorite heroes now.

I think if you want to go with a Dauntless deck, you'll probably want Endurance, and maybe Never Back Down. Possible Momentum Shift, too. I'd switch out Preemptive Strike and Enhanced Reflexes for some of the above. Even with a 3 Defense, Thor takes some damage from hard hitting enemies, especially early on.

For GMW, I think I'd skip Dauntless for Nebula and Ronan the Accuser. Those two just do too much damage for Dauntless to be effective, imo.

May 21, 2021 DukeWellington · 4985

@InigoMontoya I like your decks as well. Ms. Marvel was already my favorite hero, which is probably why I was able to put that deck together after seeing the Scarlett Witch cards. I mostly build a lot of casual fun decks, but that one actually, well, dominates, so it's fun. Thanks