Born with the Gift of Magic

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Adam Warlock (Beta) 5 5 2 2.0

andyr · 10083


Adam Warlock's kit lets him take advantage of really great damage events across the aspects. His ability always makes you want to lean into a jack-of-all-trades. So, he's a red mage who really wants to do damage with a side of everything else.

Attack Magic

We grab some of the highest damage cards from each aspect that we can reliably use. With Swift Retribution, do 4 damage (5 if you used Aggressive Energy or Audacity to pay for it). This will add an average of 4 threat to the main scheme. Any of your thwart events can generally clear, and then Turn the Tide to do another 3 damage.

Return the Favor can do 5 damage. Because of the interrupt condition on Cosmic Ward, you are still revealing the treachery, so the cost is paid on Return the Favor. Just be careful on surge heavy encounters, the surge will still happen.

Powerful Punch will do 4 damage (5 if you pay for it with the aggression resources). Both Return the Favor and Powerful Punch are doing 5 damage for 3 ER, which make them as good as most aggression attack events.

Defensive Magic

It's still important to play cards that help prevent any of the loss conditions. While this deck centers on powerful attacks, it still keeps the "Jack of all Trades" feeling. Zone of Silence, Shield Spell, and Jocasta are all meant to help you make sure threat and damage are mitigated.


Use Summoning Spell to get helpful allies into play. Brother Voodoo's, Maria Hill's, and Pip the Troll's effects take place on enters play. This can help you get what you need to deal with the board state.


The hard part of any Adam Warlock deck is paying for everything. So we make sure to keep our MP up by using Clarity of Purpose, The Sorcerer Supreme, and card draws from Mystic Senses, White Tiger, and Maria Hill. As is with any Adam Warlock deck, you can turn the tide once both Mystic Senses come out, so Superpower Training will help you. And if you already have them out, target Warlock's Cape or Karmic Staff.

In then end, you can use your plethora of magic and activations to keep the board clean. Do combos to do constant damage to the villain. And like any good Jack of all Trades, once you are confident in who you are, you'll always have an answer for the villain.

Character Role Decks:

Each of these decks are meant to be mixed and match in multiplayer with the other role decks below. Feel free to check out some of the other character roles


Mar 02, 2024 GhostWithKnife · 102

As someone who has struggled to find a deck that can finally let me try out Warlock, this is super helpful! I can't wait to finally be the Soul Stone Guy!!

Mar 02, 2024 andyr · 10083

That’s awesome! I hope it goes well. He may not fry the villain in under 3 minutes, but he’ll definitely get the job done (and in what I thought was a fun way)

Mar 03, 2024 tunicv · 603

Can you please explain to me how to use ‘pool with Adam Warlock. I have a new deck planned.

Mar 03, 2024 andyr · 10083

@tunic2011 I think there might be a marvelcdb bug with ‘pool because I’ve seen a few times that it has the error about the deck. But as long as you have the same number of cards from 4 aspects and don’t have more than 1 of each card, the deck is legal, whether marvelcdb has the error or not. You can test it by subbing out the pool cards for the other aspect. If there’s no error, then it’s something with how marvelcdb validates the deck

Mar 06, 2024 tunicv · 603

Thanks a lot! I have always been confused on that. I really enjoyed playing this deck and I think everybody is way to mean to Adam Warlock now. I had a lot of fun!

Mar 08, 2024 Castlefrank47 · 1803

@andyr I normally don't like Adam Warlock but I'm going to have to give this a shot. I love the idea of just focusing on events and doing damage. Thanks for sharing!

Mar 09, 2024 Castlefrank47 · 1803

@andyr i got the chance to test this out and it's a blast. I hadn't played adam warlock in quite some time. I had never really been able to make him work. This deck really allows you to utilize his ability without feeling like your "wasting" an integral card (something I struggled with in my previous plays) while still having something to play each turn that can help you. Again thanks for sharing and you have given me some faith in Adam warlock lol

Mar 09, 2024 andyr · 10083

Thanks so much. That’s awesome to hear, @Castlefrank47 and glad it worked out!

Mar 26, 2024 NiceShot318 · 14

So in your write up you mentioned pips effect takes place when entering play but he does no have an enter play effect unless you mean the toughness?

Mar 26, 2024 andyr · 10083

Hey, @NiceShot318! I am referring to toughness as an “enters play” effect. This deck wants summoning spell to hit one of those three allies. Brother Voodoo can help put out an immediate fire, Maria Hill gives everyone an influx of economy, and Pip will give you two rounds of space from attacks so you can direct your attention elsewhere. It’s okay if it hits someone else. An ally is always nice!

Mar 26, 2024 NiceShot318 · 14

@andyr Ok was just double checking to make sure I wasn’t missing something on pip! Haha