Now You See Me, Now You Don’t

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

andyr · 10083

Shadowcat is really good at sneak attacking and phasing to not take damage. This appearing, doing damage, and disappearing makes her the ninja!

Surprise Attack

The most powerful aspect of Shadowcat is that she doesn't take damage when defending in Phased mass form. So this deck leans into this as a combo. Defend, flip to Solid, use the resource generator in Solid to Surprise Attack, then flip back to Phased.

Quick Shift lets you defend without exhausting, so they'll assist in helping you not take damage in Phased form and kicking off that combo to strike and get back to Phased.

Ready to Rumble lets you ready back in the combo if you had to defend by exhaustion. Leave it out for such a rainy day!

Attack Exhausted

Sometimes, you have to exhaust and might get caught in Solid. Pulse Grenade is meant to be on the board for just such a moment. Trigger Pulse Grenade, then flip to Phased for the villain phase.

Throw/Damage Spread

Any good ninja job has the throw action. Plan B and Jarnbjorn will help you throw resources and cards to do damage spread. Because of the Defend, Attack, and Flip combo, you may end up with an odd mix of cards on the hero phase or a Ready to Rumble that you can’t play. Throw your cards into damage to keep the deck flowing. Both Plan B and Jarnbjorn are especially useful because they aren’t attacks. So they can damage without worrying about stuns or guards, adding to the damage spread capabilities

Hidden Ninja Attacks

The second most powerful ability is for Shadowcat to ignore Crisis, Guard, and Patrol. So don't forget that when you attack in Phased form or trigger Pulse Grenade. Then you can use her Intangible Interference and Acute Control to do extra thwarting and damage. Looking for Trouble is great for ignoring Crisis, allowing Intangible Interference to activate, giving thwart spread. And friendly reminder that Looking for Trouble bypasses When Revealed effects because it puts the minion into play.


Sometimes, you need to your faithful companion to come in, do some damage, and take a hit. Lockheed is perfect for this. He can come in, do damage or thwart, and defend for Shadowcat. He'll hopefully always come in at the right time, like an interceptor.

Shadowcat can sneak in the shadows, attack quickly, and sneak back before the villain can hit her. She's absolutely the ninja.

Character Role Decks:

Each of these decks are meant to be mixed and match in multiplayer with the other role decks below. Feel free to check out some of the other character roles