Pursuing the Secrets of Monsters

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

andyr · 10083

Wanda uses the villain's deck and boost icons to be able to continually stabilize the board. She's a Blue Mage, so we'll be using the bad deck and the bad icons to do wonderful things.


There are two cards do mostly similar things. Hex Bolt and "I Got This". You don't need any set up to take full advantage of the Hex Bolt. In fact, ABHB (always be hex bolting). "I Got This" is a great way to still get good effects cheaply, you just need to set up by having bad icons in play.

Distraction is great to put on after everyone has thwarted, then use "I Got This" to do 3 damage to the minion with Distraction.

Every icon has two cards that can bring that icon into play.

Revenge Blast

There will be a fair amount of encounter cards, but if you have to resolve a card, use Venom to do damage back to the villain for revealing it. Sometimes, you might get a side scheme or attachment that you don't want to deal with. Vivian will help you delay when you need to take care of the extra bad card.

Mighty Guard

We also have cancels to help through Order and Chaos and Warp Reality. So make sure to get and keep Quicksilver in play so you can be ready if you need to cancel a Dark Dealings.

This deck makes offense out of the villain’s activities. Join in, get a 7 hand size, and do damage to the villain at every step.

Character Role Decks:

Each of these decks are meant to be mixed and match in multiplayer with the other role decks below. Feel free to check out some of the other character roles


Feb 14, 2024 dr00 · 46333

another great deck :D

Feb 14, 2024 andyr · 10083

@dr00 Thanks so much!!

Feb 24, 2024 Castlefrank47 · 1803

Its really satisfying to get that hand size of 7 in hero mode. I was curious if you think adding deft focus would be beneficial since her hex bolts and healing factor are superpower?

Feb 24, 2024 andyr · 10083

I think Deft Focus is a great add-on. It was necessarily core to what the deck is doing, but I think it’s a great card to add in and give some extra punch.

Feb 25, 2024 Castlefrank47 · 1803

@andyr thanks I might swap it in to try out at some point but really enjoy the deck. Haven't really been that impressed with the pool aspect but I really enjoy this deck