Drax - Perfected 2.0

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Drax Ponnnnch! 0 0 0 1.0
Drax Ponnnnch! 0 0 0 2.0
Drax About it! 0 0 0 1.0
Drax - Perfected 2.0 0 0 0 1.0
Drax - Perfected 2.0 0 0 0 1.0
Drax likes Green 0 0 0 1.0
Drax likes Green 0 0 0 2.0
Drax - Protection 0 0 0 1.0
Drax - Protection 31155 0 0 0 2.0
Drax - Protection 0 0 0 3.0
Drax Has Good Health Insurance 3 1 0 1.0
Drax - Perfected 2.0 0 0 0 1.0
Drax - Perfected 2.0 1 1 0 2.0
Symbiote Drax Guardian 0 0 0 1.0

MiguelCantillo3 · 12664

English / Spanish

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After testing Drax a thousand and one times, I wanted to be able to share the cards that make the best deck for him, in my opinion, keeping Drax from the beginning first turn in hero mode throughout the game showing solid damage and healing.

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Deck Targets:

The main objective was to keep Drax in hero mode throughout the game, taking advantage of his constant card draw through his response in hero mode, and his 4 Base ATK thanks to his revenge counters (5 base ATK playing Drax's Knife).

The secondary objective and not least, was to get the most out of DWI Theet Mastery as a central card in the dynamics of his strategy, and key in the development of his game.

Cards and Combos:

There is nothing better than explaining the deck through its combos:

  • Mantis next to the 3 copies of Med Team to keep Drax in hero mode for the entire match. Through a single copy of Med Team you can heal Drax for up to 24 damage without sacrificing Mantis.

  • 3 copies of Leading Blow, the 3 copies of What Doesn't Kill Me, C.I.T.T and the 2 copies of "Fight Me, Coward!" next to DWI Theet Mastery. Attacking, readying, and reusing its base ATK will allow you to draw 2 additional cards per turn, so through any of these cards you'll draw 2 to 3 additional cards, respectively. And being normal that each turn you use from 1 to 3 of these cards. Prepare for zero resources, draw 1 card and deal up to 5 damage; ready, draw 1 card, and heal 2 damage; and set up and draw 1 card are examples of these cards.

  • The Night Nurse. Not only does it prevent you from stealing through DWI Theet Mastery and using any copies of Leading Blow, but it also heals you!

  • Booster Boots, prevents 1 additional damage each turn, being important to avoid defending with Drax.

  • 3 copies of Jump Flip. To control the threat together with Intimidation. Avoid 2 damage without needing to defend and it is easy to get the resource. I consider it the key to not palm it in expert mode.

  • Symbiote Suit, as a glove on Drax.

  • 2 copies of The Power of Protection for the 3 copies of Med Team and the 3 copies of What Doesn't Kill Me . While 6 may not seem like a lot of cards, drawing that many cards each turn will draw The Power of Protection consistently, being Med Team and What Doesn't Kill Me fundamental in the development of the game.


To alleviate Drax's biggest weakness depending on the scenario. Add a couple of copies of Bait and Switch, with resource for Jump Flip, getting attacked and making it easier to control the threat (proposed by SilverFox) .

The following very commonly used cards have been discarded in Drax for the following reasons:

  1. Counter-Punch and Armored Vest, defending with Drax means canceling the DWI Theet Mastery combo ). Likewise, Desperate Defense forces the inclusion of Armored Vest, boosting DEF instead of ATK of Drax leading him down the path. of bitterness

  2. Limitless Stamina, much more inefficient than C.I.T.T. which takes advantage of his GUARDIAN trait. Two resources just like playing Limitless Stamina, but being any and all turns.

  3. Side Step swapped for Jump Flip to help reduce the threat.

  4. Unshakable, it's an excellent card. However, in most games we don't get more than three status cards. For this reason, especially thanks to the additional healing, I consider The Night Nurse the best option to avoid being exhausted.

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Tras testear a Drax mil y una vez, tenía ganas de poder compartir las cartas que hacen bajo mi punto de vista el mejor mazo para él, manteniendo a Drax desde el primer turno en modo héroe durante toda la partida presentando solidez en daño y curación.

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Objetivos del Mazo:

Como objetivo principal se pretendió mantener a Drax en modo héroe durante toda la partida, aprovechando su constante robo de cartas a través de su respuesta en modo héroe, y su 4 ATK base gracias a sus contadores de venganza (5 ATK base jugando a Drax's Knife).

El objetivo secundario y no menos importante, fue sacar el máximo partido a DWI Theet Mastery como carta central en la dinámica de su estrategia, y clave en el desarrollo de su juego.

Cartas y Combos:

No hay nada mejor que explicar el mazo a través de sus combos:

  • Mantis junto a las 3 copias de Med Team para mantener a Drax en modo héroe durante toda la partida. A través de 1 sola copia de Med Team podrás curar a Drax hasta 24 daños sin necesidad de sacrificar a Mantis.

  • 3 copias de Leading Blow, las 3 copias de What Doesn't Kill Me, C.I.T.T y las 2 copias de "Fight Me, Coward!" junto a DWI Theet Mastery. Atacar, preparar y volver a usar su ATK base te permitirá robar 2 cartas adicionales por turno, de modo que a través de cualquiera de estas cartas robarás entre 2 a 3 cartas adicionales, respectivamente. Y siendo normal que cada turno utilices de 1 a 3 de estas cartas. Preparar por cero recursos, robar 1 carta y realizar hasta 5 daños; preparar, robar 1 carta, y curar 2 daños; y preparar y robar 1 carta, son ejemplos de estas cartas.

  • The Night Nurse. No solo evita no robar a través de DWI Theet Mastery y utilizar cualquier copia de Leading Blow, sino que además te cura!

  • Booster Boots, previene 1 daño adicional cada turno, siendo importante evitar defender con Drax.

  • 3 copias de Jump Flip. Para controlar la amenaza junto a Intimidation. Evita 2 daños sin necesidad de defender y es fácil conseguir el recurso . La considero clave para no palmarla en modo experto.

  • Symbiote Suit, como anillo al dedo en Drax.

  • 2 copias de The Power of Protection para las 3 copias de Med Team y las 3 copias de What Doesn't Kill Me. Aunque 6 no puedan parecer muchas cartas, robar tantas cartas cada turno hará aprovechar The Power of Protection de manera constante, siendo Med Team y What Doesn't Kill Me fundamentales en el desarrollo de la partida.


Para paliar la mayor debilidad de Drax en función del escenario. Añadir un par de copias de Bait and Switch, con recurso para Jump Flip, conseguiendo ser atacado y facilitando controlar la amenaza (propuesta por SilverFox).

Se descartaron las siguientes cartas de uso muy común en Drax por las siguientes razones:

  1. Counter-Punch y Armored Vest, defender con Drax implica anular el combo DWI Theet Mastery. De la misma manera,Desperate Defense obliga a incluir Armored Vest, potenciando la DEF en lugar del ATK de Drax llevándole por el camino de la amargura.

  2. Limitless Stamina, mucho más ineficinete que C.I.T.T. que aprovecha su rasgo GUARDIAN. Dos recursos al igual que jugar Limitless Stamina, pero siendo cualesquiera y todos los turnos.

  3. Side Step intercambiada por Jump Flip para ayudar a reducir la amenaza.

  4. Inquebrantable, es una carta excelente. Sin embargo, en la mayoría de los juegos no obtenemos más de tres cartas de estado. Por esta razón, especialmente gracias a la curación adicional, considero que La Enfermera Nocturna es la mejor opción para evitar el agotamiento.


Aug 23, 2022 SAntim · 1

Podrías compartir MiguelCantillo3 un mazo de Ironheart? Lo estoy jugando ahora y no se si te importaría...

Aug 23, 2022 Darth Folken · 1

Gran mazo y grande Drax. El que tengo montado yo es muy similar. Voy a comentar las diferencias sin querer decir que mi idea sea mejor. Aliados yo tengo a Starlord y a Mapache Cohete en lugar de a Gamora, porque Drax no es muy bueno interviniendo y estos dos aliados con INT 2 son muy útiles, sobre todo para los planes secundarios. Por último, pongo un Helitransporte en lugar de El poder de la protección, pero esto es sólo porque me gusta tener una buena economía de recursos. Con todo esto, he llegado a atacar 4 veces en un mismo turno! Me encanta Drax y lo bien que funciona una build de protección que en realidad es super agresiva. Aguante ilimitado me parece una carta demasiado buena para no incluirla. Así que meto 3 copias e incluso creo que merece la pena incluir Concentración eficaz aunque sea sólo para pagar por el Aguante ilimitado. Por esto, considero que N.G.I.I. y la La Enfermera de Noche no son necesarios. Salto con giro me parece hecha para drax, por eso incluyo Nervios de acero, para asegurarme poder pagarla con recurso de energía.

Aug 23, 2022 Heimwarts · 1

Your thoughts on adding Unshakable? :)

Aug 24, 2022 Predfang · 1

Is this deck built for solo play?

Aug 25, 2022 Jeyce · 1

What do you think about Defiance for removing the boost on really bad boost villains?

Aug 27, 2022 MiguelCantillo3 · 12664

Hi @Jeyce! I also think that it is an excellent option to exchange it for Shake it Off, especially in the early game when it is difficult to set up a table with only four cards in hand. However, I decided to add Shake it Off for two reasons. Defiance is much better used in superheroes where you can show the villain's top card. This, along with being able to take more damage off yourself through a good Shake it Off hit, makes it more efficient to spend two well-timed resources per Shake it Off than two separate Defiance. Also, Shake it Off turned out to be more "careful" for me by taking advantage of Drax's GUARDIAN trait, which is not possible in other superheroes.

All in all, excellent option to exchange it.

Aug 27, 2022 MiguelCantillo3 · 12664

Hi @Predfang It is designed to play alone. However, playing multiplayer and I found it easier to mitigate the lack of intervention, and even, and even, the damage on Drax from the first few turns.

Logically it will depend who your companions are;)

Aug 27, 2022 MiguelCantillo3 · 12664

It's an excellent @Heimwarts card. However, in most games we don't get more than three status cards. For this reason, especially thanks to the additional healing, I consider The Night Nurse the best option to avoid being exhausted.

Aug 27, 2022 MiguelCantillo3 · 12664

Buenas @Darth Folken. Al igual que a ti me gusta analizar los mazos e intentar hacer el mejor posible, dando por hecho que dependerá del villano, de cada situación, y de cada carta con sus pros y sus contras.

Te comento mi análisis por si hicieramos algo intermedio entre los dos.

Cartas como Nerves of Steel y Deft Focus en un mazo de 40 cartas solo resultan eficientes a partir de siete cartas las cuales poder jugar. Y jugar mas de 40 nunca resulta ser la mejor opción.

Limitless Stamina me parece una carta brutal para algunos personajes, sin embargo, es la genérica. Dado su rasgo GUARDIAN aprovechar C.I.T.T para mi parecer resulta mucho mas rentable y en la descripción explicó parte del porqué, sin embargo, otros héroes no tienen esa posibilidad.

Respecto al Helicarrier y Rocket Raccoon son cartas de muy elevado coste. Además, Rocket Raccoon es especialmetene útil contra esbirros, de lo contrario estás desaprovechando su ataque. Si te fijas todas las cartas en Drax son más que baratas. Es por ello que Gamora me resulta dificil jugarla en el juego temprano y, sin embargo, terminas por recuperar la mano robando una carta con cada activación con 22 eventos que robar, sin reciclar rapidamente el mazo.

Por lo que me dices en tu mazo no has debido incluir Shake it Off, pero tres copias de What Doesn't Kill Me más que imprescindible. A raíz de tu comentario jugué dos últimás partidas y conté que fueron muchas muchas veces las que ataque cuatro veces gracias a What Doesn't Kill Me junto The Power of Protection.

Yo al mazo le daría una oportunidad y lo jugaría tal y como está. De lo que realmente peca es de intervención antes de robar una burrada de cartas, pero con Star-Lord y Symbiote Suit podrías crear a un villano incontrolable.

Gracias por tu análisis, seguro que del mismo modo funciona realmente bien.

Aug 28, 2022 SilverFox · 20

Looks like a solid deck. I had a Drax deck built around Repurpose and Forcefield Generator. Seeing this deck, I made an alternate version of my deck focused on healing instead of blocking since I hadn't thought about how much healing Med Team + Mantis can get you. I also just missed Booster Boots in my initial deck because I forgot it was a card. Definitely a must have for Drax.

Aug 28, 2022 Papaporio · 60

Yo no acabo de ver lo de jugar salto con giro Salto con giro sin los nervios de acero. Con mano de 4 (en principio) jugar esa carta te lastra mucho tu turno no crees? Además, no siempre suelo tener un recurso de energía a mano, es lo único que no he utilizado del mazo al que le he puesto la básica que te prepara por uno. El mazo es divertidísimo de jugar, enhorabuena

Aug 29, 2022 LichPrince · 1

I feel like there is still not enough threat mitigation for solo play. Any thoughts of adding something extra, to help with keeping the main scheme in check?

Aug 29, 2022 SilverFox · 20

@LichPrince In my Drax deck I run a couple Bait and Switch for the same reason. A lot of times though you can just power through villains in solo fast enough that you don't need to worry all too much about it. I would argue that it tends to be Drax's biggest weakness though.

Aug 29, 2022 MiguelCantillo3 · 12664

Hola @Papaporio Personalmente utilizar Nerves of Steel para tan poquitas cartas me resulta dificil. Matematicamente con poquitas me refiero a no menos de 7. Antes que eso prefiero incluso llegar a pagar un Quincarrier o Helicarrier, que por 1 recurso más lo utilizas todos los turnos, aunque tampoco es que los recomiende bajo mi puno de vista en Drax, al poder perder la partida con el simple hecho de bajarlos.

Yo la verdad que nunca sentí que no pudiera bajar Jump Flip. Aunque todo depende de DWI Theet Mastery para robar tantas cartas hasta encontrar cualquier de las tres copias de Shake it Off o Med Team. Ya que como sabes la mano de 4 es muy relativa. A partir del tercer turno lo normal es llegar a robar entre 6 a 7 cartas hasta conseguir el recurso energía si es que lo necesitas. Pero no se puede negar que existan muchos recursos energía en el mazo.

Yo personalmente, y supongo que lo harás de la misma manera, para no tener la necesidad imperiosa de intervenir pese a subir de uno en uno el plan. Hasta el tercer turno que Drax no golpea de 4, suelo intervenir reduciendo el plan todo lo posible. Dependerá la partida y todo claro está.

Gracias por tu comentario. Se agradece saber que no seas el único que prefiera incluir Limitless Stamina y Nerves of Steel.

Aug 29, 2022 MiguelCantillo3 · 12664

@LichPrince``@SilverFox Totally agree. It is your weak point and a very good option Bait and Switch precisely to alleviate your problem. I love @SilverFox. Trading the 3 copies of Jump Flip for the 3 copies of Bait and Switch could be an option, even if you get close to death.

With your permission @SilverFox I attach it in the description.

Look @Papaporio, esto palia el problema que comentaste.

Aug 29, 2022 MiguelCantillo3 · 12664

@SilverFox added in evolution

Sep 01, 2022 LordVader13 · 3

I love this deck! I have been using it for a few days now. I think I am going to drop 1 copy of Shake it off and 1 copy of Jump flip to add 2 copies of Bait and switch. Great job on the deck!


Sep 03, 2022 MiguelCantillo3 · 12664

@LordVader13 Sounds like great decisions :)

Sep 09, 2022 Rocketman176 · 1

First, I want to start off by saying, HOLY SHIT. So, I modified the deck by adding in Clea and Martyr and removing the Symbiote Suit and one copy of Shake it Off. I ran through Kang (The Conqueror) with the Temporal deck, Kang (Scarlet Centurion) and finally his last form Kang (The Conqueror) with the original deck, but I could not manage the threat on main and side schemes enough to survive, so I made those modifications. With this new deck, I had to get built up to manage both threat and my health, and with Jump Flip, The Night Nurse, maintaining the health on Mantis with Med Team, I was able to do just that and pretty reliably. I want to highlight my last turn; Kang was only one turn in after switching to his third form, down to 15 health. I had on the board, Gamora with 1 hp left, Mantis with 2hp, Drax with 3 Vengeance tokens on him, 6 health, the C.I.T.T. card which allows a player to exhaust C.I.T.T. and spend two resources of any type to ready a Guardian Character, Drax's Knife, Drax's Other Knife, DWI Theet Mastery and a pair of Booster Boots. In my hand I had a copy of Martyr, Intimidation, "Fight Me, Coward!", and Shake it Off. First move; basic attack 5 dmg, draw Leading Blow, (DWI Theet Mastery) . 10 hp left. Second move, "Fight Me, Coward!" ready Drax, draw Med Team, chump block 7 damage with Gamora. 3rd move, basic attack, using Leading Blow, boost card negates 2 damage, 3 damage attack, 7hp remaining. Drax gets ready because attack still did damage and I drew into a copy of Genius (DWI Theet Mastery). 4th move, basic attack 5 damage, Draw Knife Leap (DWI Theet Mastery) 2hp remaining. 5th move, exhaust C.I.T.T, spend Genius, ready Drax and play Knife Leap for free due to having 3 Vengeance tokens, basic attack for 10 damage. End of Kang (The Conqueror). That last round was unbelievable the amount of synergy that went in with DWI Theet Mastery and the synergy from cards like What Doesn't Kill Me, Leading Blow, C.I.T.T. are all so much fun to play because it makes this deck very intricate and calculated. I had a blast doing this. Way to go on this construction!

Sep 10, 2022 MiguelCantillo3 · 12664

Thanks for sharing your opinion @Rocketman176

Sep 18, 2022 the.jxc · 8

Hey @MiguelCantillo3 ... would love to hear your thinking on Repurpose in this deck?

Sep 18, 2022 MiguelCantillo3 · 12664

Hi @the.jxc! Did you think about using it for Drax?

From my point of view it could be a card that combines well with this character, however, I consider that other characters such as Iron Man and even Rocket Raccoon (although the latter I like it more in aggressiveness), they exploit the full potential of Repurpose, since this card in combination with technological improvements such as Energy Barrier or Forcefield Generator make these superheroes much more powerful.

On the contrary, it is an open game and can be the fun of it.

Feb 16, 2023 Stretch · 456

This looks really fun. I can't wait to try it. Thanks for the build.

Mar 27, 2023 AnwarAT · 7

Hey bro, nice build. What do you think of throwing in Fighting Fit?

Sep 29, 2023 chrisrivers13 · 1

This deck seems to struggle with scenarios that have side schemes that have to be thwarted (Thanos, Hela). Any suggestions to tweak the deck for side schemes?

Sep 29, 2023 Vardaen · 106

This held up pretty good. Took it unadjusted against Mr. Sinister Standard and just wrecked him. www.twitch.tv

Dec 13, 2023 BoardGameKid · 126

Great deck list and explanation. I, too, have been testing Draw like crazy in an effort to find the right cards for him. How do you feel about Taunt? Normally I don't like it, since it costs you two cards to get three and you get attacked. But with Drax at 3 Vengeance counters you get 4 cards for 2, so maybe worth it?