Star-Lord - Huddle Up (Project Post-con) [L]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Michaelangelo · 3924

This deck is part of Project Post-con: building a ready to use deck for each existing hero, just using the available card copies of buying each pack once. This does not only enable fast pick-and-play, but it also makes each deck feel unique, as not everyone is using the same powerhouse cards. Each deck is intended to be fun and usable in expert mode, but none will be the absolute strongest possible due to the card limitations. Looking for other decks? Search for the Post-con tag.

Project Post-con Version 1 (Cards up to a and including Valkyrie release)

Starlord is unique to say the least. He has a thematic risk-based play-style. You feel in total control of fast build-up, but be aware of the treats that are stacking up against you due to your attitude. He is so much fun!

This deck focusses on expensive allies that Star-lord can push out like no other, and even keep around thanks to this card pool. You'll want to play risky early on to build up as soon as possible and then just cruise trough it in style. His thwarting capabilities are furthermore amazing as the Leader of the Guardians, giving you back control of the messes you made. In this Huddle-up deck, he brings a strong team of new guardians together and as often as they may want to leave, he always smooth talks them back to rush for action.


Starlord's resource management is weird, so you could also expect something exceptional here as well. This deck only contains Strength for the basic cards, as no-one wanted to give him more. But no worries his a ability more than makes up for this. Two The Power of Leadership make up for the expensive allies, Blaze of Glory and Rapid Response, to build up your team to fully use Band Together.


Mainly expensive allies with great abilities have a spot here. Tough a guardian, Starlord prefers non-guardian allies to fully utilise Blaze of Glory.

  • Nova Prime has a decent stat-line and destroys simple minions as no other. But he is far from the powerhouse here.
  • Falcon and Heimdall are not only strong, but synergise well with his need to get encounter cards. They give insight in the risk of taking another encounter and Heimdall can even manipulate it. Both are great to combine with Pulse Grenade to increase control. And as they have entry effects independent where they come from, Rapid Response triggers them again.
  • Beta Ray Bill has good attack and treat management in minion-heavy scenario's.
  • Goliath is just a beast with Blaze of Glory and Get Ready, playing more into the high risk play style. time his activations well with Rapid Response to get him back on his last consequential damage.
  • Mockingbird is the odd one out, with the lowest stats. She is basically a stun event with chump block and is potentially free in exchange for an encounter.


You'll want to use his ability as much as needed to quickly help build his upgrades.

  • Leader of the Guardians makes this deck and should be top priority to get out. No matter what scheme the encounters push out, the Guardians smooth talk and shoot their way out of it.
  • Star-Lord's Helmet is the other card to mulligan for, as the increased hand-size that even puts Iron Man and the Sorcerer Supreme to shame helps tackle any encounter you put in front of yourself. I can't stress enough how much this lowers your risks.
  • Jet Boots helps as well, as Starlord is quite frail, but it less a necessity than the previous two. Booster Boots add onto this effect to mitigate damage.
  • His signature Element Guns are so useful on the ATK side and you always get one in set-up. with a 3-cost, prime target for your first What could go wrong.
  • Pulse Grenade further helps encounter control with the aforementioned allies. So best to keep it around until you need it.
  • Rapid Response finally ensures you get as much value as possible from your expensive allies and provides some great combo's.


  • Knowhere is certainly worth it with a lot of expensive allies to play, which will also return through Regroup. Regroup furthermore gives everyone a great protection turn when doing multiplayer.
  • Team Training gives one extra activation for all these high ATK/THW allies. Combined with Leader of the Guardians, this is so worth the cost.
  • Bad Boy is a great health-insurance, that even almost pays itself back in card draw. Let's face it, if you're Peter Quill, that's a steal on your insurance cost.


  • Blaze of Glory sounds like it could be a Starlord hero card. It pushes everyone to the limit for a risk, but then you just cheat it out by flipping to alter ego. These turns, Get Ready gives additional value, especially with Goliath.
  • Mass Attack is a nice damage finisher, which you can pay with your ability, and in this deck you should always have a guardian team put together.
  • Daring Escape is great value once you have your helmet (and boots) out, as it is worth 2 cards and a ready. It is additionally good in turns where you can see the coming encounters. -Gutsy Move and Sliding Shot become increasingly good once you have your kit out. It helps mitigate any of the damage done by the encounters. The cost is a bit too steep unless you already had to deal a lot of encounters.
  • Eternity may seem an odd choice, but as a hero with so much control over the encounters seen, this card can give you a lot of value when timed well. Starlord is probably the only hero thus far that get's his worth from this.

In conclusion, no-one brings together a team like Starlord. High risk, but even higher reward in one of the most fun-to-play hero's released thus far.