Spider-Man - Superfriends

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Spider-Man - Superfriends 8 2 4 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Bronze · 258

This deck typically builds up slow and makes minor progress in the early stages of the game and deflects blows with the allies after they have impacted the field. A delay with a Webbed Up can give you a couple turns to get things setup and whenever you get the opportunity to toss down a Swinging Web Kick do so. With Backflip, the allies and some villain control Spider-Man shouldn't be leaving his hero form that often throughout the game.

Peter Parker doesn't have a limitation on what he is trying to do in the early build up like some of the other heroes (Iron Man / Black Panther ). He also isn't focused on damage output such as She-Hulk. Captain Marvel might be another options. But I think that Spider-Man is a good candidate for a leadership deck.

Spider-man has the potential to play things easier such as some of the expensive characters while Captain Marvel makes it easier to find them. Spider-Man also has that draw mechanic when in his hero form as well though. I think the best ally in the game though for Inspired comes from Spider-Man in the form of Black Cat. A character that won't take themselves out as they attack is a great candidate for an upgrade.

I think that Lead from the Front is pretty conditional on when it will be good but is a nice mid to late game card so a good 1 of. You might not need 3 Make the Call, but it is nice to find it when you want it to bring an ally back. You will also get rid of your allies faster with Get Ready as you find them and you should have no trouble with targets for that.

First Aid can target your allies, so if you want to keep someone around longer like Vision or Hawkeye with a couple charges still on him, this is a much cheaper way to keep them out than bringing them back with Make the Call. And of course acts as a defense for Spider-Man himself if needed instead.

The rest of the cards are focused on making things cheaper with icons, the Avengers Mansion or with the Helicarrier. I have gone with one of each there for this iteration of the deck because Spider-Man has Web-Shooter. I don't feel as though you need more econ than that. Since each of these support cards you can only have 1 of in play, I decided to go with one of each instead of 2 of a single one in case there is an opportunity to get both of them out.