Get Dangerous, Live Responsibly

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Rai · 1

Cable's purpose

new cards: +Shadowcat bring an x-men friend!

Someone on the table might forget to use Skilled Investigator but everyone remembers +2 hand size. Remember Mysterio's Fool's Paradise? Our table had a long discussion about keeping it around longer... Therefore Live Dangerously might be the support card in the game.

'Pool is cool but thwart there isn't. Multiplayer ONLY. This power must be shared with friends or your other hand if you play 2hand. Tested in expert and I have never lost to Rhino. thumbs up

Living Responsibly aka How it works:

DO NOT START WITH LIVE DANGEROUSLY, seriously! although......

The start of the game is the same as any other Cable deck.

Remember: Mulligan, then resolve your character setup ability. Pick your PSS after you have seen your hand! Do talk to your table about your plan of attack/threat as they can assist.

Mulligan: Build your supports and blockers or Mind scan for PSS

  • 90% of the time throw away Live Dangerously
  • Say No to: Great Responsibility, Counterintelligence, Under Surveillance, Crisis Averted, your support and upgrades, except Professor.

But after you play Live Dangerously it switches and why its multiplayer only.

Great Responsibility I use it every time when the Villain's turn start as the threat/damage value is predictable(Step one: Place threat on the main scheme).

Vivian: turn Live Dangerously off and on again.

Agent Coulson: Fetch Counterintelligence and pop it for villain turn start or save for Advance or use as ammo Plasma Rifle

Crisis Averted: get past the Crisis icon.

Under Surveillance: great 1P, good 2P, it's meh beyond. You have Temporal Leap. Its like having a backup to your backup...

I try not to defend as the focus is to flip and REC and Crew Quarters to heal(also a good time to use Vigilante Training to grab a justice event).

Living frugally 4 cost cards?!?! TOO EXPENSIVE!!!

Allies: thwart a little, then distract the villain. I'm sorry buds, ya'll here to chump.

When to Live Dangerously?

Setup is too much, as is playing it Round 1(0?). It delays the team powering up(build support, etc). R2 was bad to manageable depending on scenario( keeping it after opening hand). R3 and later seems to be optimal. You win/lose earlier rounds...but the game time is the same as the player turns take longer...

Other cards for your consideration:

Add more PSS or Swap PSS with your table to free up slots, move some allies/ add more justice cards.

Sonic Rifle: good support swap to AE for heals, I did not include in this list as its teammate dependent and in my games I rarely played it.

X-Mansion if there are other mutants, combined with crew quarters its 4 healing every flip. why even REC?

Vigilante Training: Shuffle Crisis Averted or Great Responsibility back into your deck.

Skilled Investigator: REMEMBER TO USE IT!!!

X-Bunker Fetch those thwart events

Endurance more hp window to rec

Quincarrier is the better choice to Helicarrier as the wild resource can be helpful for Crisis Averted, Askani'son and Plasma Rifle, but Cable is here in the support role. Helicarrier reduction can be passed to a friend.


Heroes that can ignore crisis icons, like Shadowcat or Angel is optimal but it works without them. Heroes with thwart event is enough.

A second justice player. Normally it is overkill to have 2 justice players on a table but this deck wont have you competing for Clear the Area or similar cards. They only need to add Crisis Averted.
