Solid card. It's a permanent card that can heal you for two over two turns: once when you flip to Alter Ego and then again at the start of your turn. That's quite good for 1 cost and thin your deck for maximum efficiency. Complements Venom quite well once his health gets really high where it's better to use Project Rebirth 2.0 to draw a card instead, yet this helps him recover for 4 with Project Rebirth when he's low combing into an Aunt May for Venom.
Play under any player's control. Max 1 per player.
Alter-Ego Action: Exhaust Crew Quarters → heal 1 damage from an alter-ego.

This is one of the best sustained healing cards in the game. For the same cost as Downtime you can heal the same amount of health during the same flip-down without having to take an exhaust action to do a basic recovery. Downtime is better for characters that do something special for doing an actual recovery action, but they are in the minority. This card is fantastic for heroes like War Machine and She Hulk - heroes that want to flip down repeatedly but not necessarily stay there or waste their action on the recovery itself. This card's power grows in multiplayer as well for the ability to target other players that may also be in alter-ego form. It's not quite as good as X-Mansion, but it's also half the cost and not trait locked.
I'd probably run this one more often if it was an action instead of an Alter-Ego Action. It already specifies that it can only heal an alter-ego. As it stands, I'm likely never going to use it for anybody other than myself. The only issue I could see with such a change would be if all 4 players had them, but 4 player games are already difficult as it is, I doubt 3 extra hit points is going to effect that.