

Cost: 1.

Hero Response (thwart): After you defend against an enemy attack, exhaust Askani'son and spend a resource → remove threat from a scheme equal to your hero's THW.

NeXt Evolution #9. Cable #11.

This seems like a great card, not just because it can easily thwart 3 at the cost of just one resource, but because with Graymalkin that resource is free, and it can ready Cable too. I haven't seen as many decks built around Askani'son as I expected, so I did one myself: marvelcdb.com Is there a downside I'm missing?

adsarf · 516
No downside but you're measuring efficiency oddly. It is not "free" with Graymalkin, Graymalkin is just a resource generator whose resources you can use to pay for anything. Getting from 2 to 3 thwart isn't free either, but that's trickier to think about in terms of efficiency. I still think it's a great deck idea though since you can basically defend for free every time there's a side scheme to defeat in the villain phase — Stretch22 · 966
Thanks @strech22. I count the use of Graymalkin as 'free' where you can defeat a side scheme and Graymalkin readies. Should have been clearer about that. With player side schemes you can do that frequently in a Cable deck, but not always of course. — adsarf · 516
The thing is, as far as Graymalkin is concerned, there is no difference to defeating a side scheme in the villain phase vs any other player phase. So yes you can think of that as "free", but it's no more "free" than it would be on your turn when you defeat that same scheme. Unlike Cable's hero ability, which *does* provide extra value to defeating a side scheme in villain phase — Stretch22 · 966