Taste the Xforce-bow - Are You Red E?

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Custom-Shang-Chi-test 0 0 0 1.0

Man-is-Obsolete · 3927

This deck is part of a series of decks I am putting out and meant to be played in a Multiplayer setting and as such I tested it mostly in that setting. Below I will highlight interactions that I believe are only made possible or made better in Multiplayer, as well links to the other decks.

I hope you and your friends, family, loved ones, and/or strangers at your FLGS give these a shot together!

Special thanks to Caldias, VJakson, and theromeo3517 for helping me test these and putting up with me in Multiplayer!


Multiplayer – Taste the Xforce-bow


X-23 - Red

Plays the damage role extremely well but also running Into the Fray to help with the main scheme since other heroes may be more worried about side schemes. Also running Chase Them Down to further assist with threat removal. One of the greatest things about X23 is that with the combination of Animal Instinct and/or Honey Badger she can really help knock down a PSS ahead of Cable’s turn. Also contributes X-Mansion which is great for allowing her and Cable to run and benefit from Mutant Education.

With opportunities to flip down I have Assault Training here to bring back an Into the Fray with the hope of also playing it alongside Claw Mastery (which will be shuffled back with Mutant Education) and get Overkill as well as threat removal! Being that this is mostly geared for Multiplayer Looking for Trouble felt unnecessary, but Angela is here as a good minion tutor option.


Cable - Blue


The Mission Leader. Hats off to theromeo3517 for inspiration and sharing with me a deck he made for Cable that serves as the foundation here. He really leaned into Uncanny X-Force and it does a stellar job at helping to remove threat and get those side schemes within range for Cable to clear and ready. The biggest departure I made was forgoing a number of allies and instead adding Make the Call and Command Team. Make the Call is going to be extremely helpful here because he will be able to take Elixir out of the Protection player's discard and really turn Elixir into quite the healer with readies from Command Team.

Elixir really is a key part of this muliplayer package I am putting together here. You will be able to heal important allies like Honey Badger and even identities, all while pulling off at least 2 threat from a side scheme. Speaking of Honey Badger, playing an Inspired on her is great and is another great target for Command Team.


Domino - Green


Hey look I made a protection deck with more protection cards this time! Big differences here compared to my last Domino Protection Deck is the addition of Elixir which is excellent at keeping your Posse allies alive as well as other allies at the table. The dream is to have Cable Make the Call for Elixir who will then have him benefiting from Uncanny X-Force. I also added Energy Barrier and Electrostatic Armor which are a good basis for running Repurpose. X-23 also loves being gifted an Electrostatic Armor so be a pal!

This is going to be a great deck to help keep everyone's Health, including allies, in a great spot. but also still deliver big impactful turns. Especially if you can stack a Repurpose or two under The Painted Lady to create a big finale!


Psylocke - Yellow


Instead of making an all new Justice deck to complete the rainbow, I think the linked deck slides extremely well into this package. The Psy Spy deck offers great control and will really aid players in flipping to Alter Ego by way of confuse, Psychic Manipulation, and Counterintelligence. Use her AE ability to shuffle Psychic Manipulation back into the deck, and be sure to target Sense of Justice with Training Regimen to help pay for it when in AE.

I would consider adding Heroic Intuition to pass along to Cable, and possible a Sonic Rifle to have a target for Lock and Load.

Solo/two-player - Taste the violence

This deck on its own or running alongside any hero will be able to really dish out some damage AND still stay on top of threat. If you needed to make a substitution at this player count I could see the following edits:

-2 Assault Training

+2 Looking for Trouble

and if playing True Solo and you feel flipping to AE will be less reliable you could

-1 Hall of Heroes

-1 X-Mansion

-2 Mutant Education

then add some more allies and/or a third copy of Attack Training and another aggression event.


Jan 19, 2024 VJakson · 23

Had a blast playing this one! Getting the aspect cards to shine in X23 is hella fun. And thanks to the MP synergy it was easy to keep HB going on and on.

Jan 23, 2024 journeyman2 · 21207

No doubles X-23 meta!