
Asgard. Location.

Cost: 2.

Response: After you defeat a minion, place 1 glory counter here.

Alter-Ego Action: Exhaust Hall of Heroes and remove 3 glory counters from it → draw 3 cards.

Thor #17.
Hall of Heroes

This is a pretty situational card, it can be good on minion-heavy scenarios like Ultron or Green Goblin, but be a dead card on minion-light scenarios like Rhino or Absorbing Man.

FYI, the Response only triggers after "you" defeat a minion, per the latest RRG that means it triggers on you basic attacks, Hero abilities (like Retaliate), events that deal damage (like Uppercut or Preemptive Strike), and upgrades on your hero that deal damage (like Jarnbjorn or Energy Barrier).

It will NOT trigger on ally attacks, ally abilities (like the response on Nick Fury), upgrades on allies that deal damage (like Power Gloves), or on supports that deal damage (like Tac Team or Army of Ants).

MyLtlePwny · 63
Why do say that after the RRG, this does not trigger response from allies and other supports ? From the post on FFG: "As a quick rule of thumb, the word “you” on upgrades, events, resources, and encounter cards refer to your identity, whereas the word “you” on allies and supports does not. Hopefully, this will help clear up all that grey area." So i understand that the You from this support cards is able to be triggered by everything, since here it does NOT refer to just my identity. — z3r0cul · 1
z3r0cul is correct. RR 1.4 , p 34 clears it up. — cbjuland · 8
I was revisiting this card for a deck idea and saw this thread. The original comment is correct. The Rules reference says " If a card ability triggers from a game function that “you” perform (such as “after you attack and defeat an enemy”), the player resolving that card ability must resolve that card ability as if the identity they control performed that game function, if able. (For example, if an ability triggers “after you attack and defeat a minion,” it triggers after the controlling player’s identity attacks and defeats a minion but not when an ally under that player’s control attacks and defeats a minion.)" Which is pretty much this situation. It then clarifies what extensions of an identity are. — Scotobot · 195
Scotobot and MyLtlePwny are correct. I had just put this into a new Valkyrie deck I was working on, trusting z3r0cul and cbjuland's interpretation of the RR, but then reading it over myself it seems they misunderstood the FAQ entry. Supports and Allies are not an extension of your identity, so those cards do not count as "you" and will not count for triggering cards like Hall of Heroes. — eapfel · 1
I stand corrected. Thanks for the explanation. — cbjuland · 8
Although, after rereading 1.4, last section: Cards that are not considered to be an extension of a player’s identity are: • Allies… • Supports — Attacks, thwarts, defenses, action abilities, and triggered abilities that resolve from supports in play under a player’s control are not considered to be performed by that player’s identity. —- So wouldn’t Hall of Heroes apply to your ally and your hero? — cbjuland · 8
@cbjuland in this case that simply means that Hall of Heroes' ability is not considered to be performed by your alter-ego, in case any cards about that. — Blackhaven · 8

"Delayed gratification" cards (Espionage, Hall of Heroes) are deceptively good. You spend your last 2 (or 3 in this case) resources on a turn on the card. The 2 cards (or 3 in this case) you get later are worth WAY more than 2 (or 3) resources - not only can they be used AS resources, by increasing your hand size you get more options, more likelihood to play the better cards in your deck that round, and to achieve perfect efficiency by spending all your resources that round. Oftentimes, the tempo swing of a big turn is crucial to winning a game.

I would highly recommend it in Thor since he can force the issue using Defender of the Nine Realms.

Blackhaven · 8