Unstoppable Hulk

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ThomasCannon84 · 1

A rundown of the deck... This deck is recommended to be played in 2+ player games, as Hulk lacks the ability to deal with threat, so another hero will need to be able to manage that. During the first phase of this deck, during your turn you are prioritizing playing all of your non rotating allies, supports, and upgrades, and defending during the villain phase. During the second phase, you are attacking on your turn, and defending and retaliating during the villain phase. You should be able to stay as Hulk for most of the game. You should only flip down to play Ingenuity if you didn't get it in your starting hand. Black Widow and Ingenuity: There are times when the wrong card gets revealed from the encounter deck that will just end the game. This card combination has saved us so many times. I try to keep my allies on the field when playing this deck. Nova and Quincarrier: When an enemy attacks me, I can use his ability as an interrupt to do 2 damage, either killing a weak minion, or popping a tough off of a bigger minion or the villain. Victor Mancha: He is a good blocker when you get swarmed by 1 damage minions, and he can chump block a 4 damage minion without dying. Boundless Rage, Immovable Object, Electrostatic Armor, Dauntless, Armored Vest, Symbiote Suit: These are the core of the deck. With all in play, you have 32 hp, 1 thw, 5 atk, 5 def, and retaliate 2 (3 when defending). I have yet to find another hero who can take and dish out damage like Hulk can. Unflappable, Forcefield Generator, Symbiote Suit, Avengers Mansion: On your turn, mid to late game, you should have 6-7 cards in your hand each turn, which has never been an issue. On top of that, you are playing what you draw on your opponents turn or your turn, so Hulks Enraged ability has never been an issue for me. Unstoppable Force, Anticipation, Indomitable, Desperate Defense, Limitless Stamina: This set of cards supports the core, allowing you to ready up as much as possible to take advantage of your 5 atk and 5 def. Limitless Strength, Deft Focus, Ingenuity, Helicarrier, Quincarrier, Strength: This combination of resources is the best I have found so far. I have tested the deck with the other resource cards and generators, but they were either clunky and or didn't help with the specific requirements on certain cards. The Night Nurse, Muster Courage, Second Wind, Unshakable: These are the cards that keep you on your hero side, and allow you and the other hero to keep swinging. OK.... the rest of the cards in Hulk's kit... Crushing Blow: This isn't a bad card. the goal of most cards is to get twice that value of resources spent, and this gives you 5 damage most of the time for 2 resources (the card its self, and the printed cost). Hulk Smash: This is the game ender, or the "crush that insane minion" when playing against Zola. As far as value goes, you're usually getting a 15 damage attack with overkill at the cost of 4 resources and exhausting your hero. That kind of value is rare for any hero in this game. With Limitless Strength, you're doing that with 2 cards from hand. Thunderclap: If there are 2 or more minions on the board, this card pumps out 9 damage for 4 resources. not bad. Now we get to the 2 worst cards in Hulk's kit.... Banner's Laboratory, and Sub-Orbital Leap AKA Sub-Optimal Leap. I don't use the lab much in this deck, if at all, though its ok in Justice and Leadership. As far as SOL goes, I try not to use it ever. That being said, with Limitless Strength, you can still remove 5 threat with 2 cards, which isn't... abysmal? Anyways, that's the run down of the deck. Enjoy, and thanks for reading!