Speedrun Spider-Man! Getting late is a thing of the past!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

huevobeans · 23

Villains are scary, but you know what's even scarier? Getting fired because you were late to deliver the pizza("the third time this week, Parker!").

This deck's whole philosophy is simple: neutralize the villain as fast as possible. Our deck is designed to take advantage of Spidey's crazy resource economy to dig and play our Swinging Web Kicks as fast as possible.

Villains usually have somewhere from 34-to-42 life on expert, divided between their 2 phases, and our deck has, only counting events, 39 damage per rotation. This means that if we're focusing on only hitting the Villain, we're pretty likely to defeat most villains after a full deck rotation. Drawing cards then becomes twice as effective because it allows us to see our high-priority cards, and reset our deck faster.

"But what about minions? Where do they factor in this equation?"

They don't. We should ignore anything barring Guard, Disruptors(stun,discard, et. al), or very high damaging minions.

"How do we deal with Threat?"

We rush through it. Some of our allies can thwart to delay, but our main concern is being faster than the clock.

Spider-Man is a powerful hero with an impressive resource economy. He has 2 resource acceleration cards in Web-Shooter, an ally that digs for our best cards and provides extra resources, an alter-ego ability that allows us to accelerate right on turn 1, and a hero interrupt that makes our hero hand size be basically 6!

His defensive capabilities are also a factor here, his base 3 defense and cards like Backflip and Webbed Up give us some breathing room and allow us to stay in Hero form for longer(in many games we don't even switch back). Most of our damage comes from events so, unless we plan on chump blocking or backflipping, we should block with Spider-man.

This gives Spider-Man the unique opportunity of going under the villain and getting free wins before they can even set up.

Let's talk about cards:

Swinging Web Kick: This is our bread and butter, it basically reads "take half/a third of the Villains health". If we draw it, we should play it.

Toe to Toe: Another very effective damaging event. It's a bit riskier than Swing Web Kick, but it's very cheap and draws us a card if we aim at the villain. That being said, in the earlier stages to the mid-game, we're likely to aim this at high-priority minions.

Plan of Attack: An efficient way to look for our Swinging Web Kicks. It's great on turn 1 when we're in Alter ego form and don't have any in our hand. The potential for whiffing is high, so we should keep that in mind when considering playing.

Assess the Situation: I've already talked about Spidey's economy, this card turns that into a snowball, allowing us to convert extra resources into more cards for future turns.

Enhanced Awareness/Web-Shooter: faster versions of the Helicarrier and Quincarrier duo. Games are usually over by the time that the fourth+ activation would come into play.

The Power in All of Us: While the Power in All of Us won't help us accelerate our game plan, it helps us by allowing our support cards to come out even faster, from Nick Fury to Enhanced Awareness, we rely on these cards to get to a point where we can reliably cast our expensive cards.

Endurance: Cheap healing that we can do while in hero form.

Blade/Earth's Mightiest Heroes: The Blade battery combo can be extremely relevant when fighting against stuns and gives us some flexibility with our basic actions. It plays a lot better than it looks.

Machine Man: I really like this card. It turns our extra resources into either another big source of damage or into a much-needed threat relief.

Nick Fury: Nick Fury is a powerful ally and his draw three almost guarantees that we can Swing Web kick someone afterward. Digging is also pretty important because it makes our reset quicker we want to see as many of those events as quickly.

Backflip/Webbed Up: As I said before these cards give us some breathing room. Backflip is always played as soon as we can because it gives us a basic ability(which can even be a defense), while Webbed up is a lower priority card and should be played on slower turns.

Here's how my last Expert Nebula(Weapon Master) game went on turn 1:

alter ego ability to pay for Web-Shooter

play Swinging Web Kick for 8 damage

play Toe to Toe, draw a card, take 3 damage(revealed Assault), and deal 5 damage

attack for 3 damage with the Power Stone

play Assess the Situation

end turn: NebulaII at 1/ Spider-man at 7

draw 6/Web-Shooter and Milano in play

I've dealt 16 damage and would start the round with 7(6 plus 1 from Spider-Sense) cards in hand and 2 resource generators on the field.

After my turn 4, I lost due to a combination of Blind Side, Exhaustion, and Special Delivery. NebulaIII was at 5 life and I've got stunned 2 times throughout the game(one from Evasive Maneuvering and the other from Concussion Grenade). Even though I lost, I could still have won if I blocked with Spider-Man instead of chumping with Machine Man, which would have allowed me to defend against the Special Delivery attack. The next turn I'd be able to Webbed Up into Toe to Toe to finish her off. It wasn't a misplay, since I don't have a crystal ball to predict this particular outcome, and, at 5 life with a 3 def hero ready, I was pretty safe.

Nonetheless, I still thought it was a fun and close game and illustrates pretty well this deck's strengths, as well as covers some of its weaknesses.

Card Considerations

Symbiote Suit: An interesting addition that I want to try out when my Sinister Motive Box arrives. I don't think the extra cards will be that impactful since we're trying to rush anyways.

Venom: Another interesting choice, but I think it's more of a sideboard against guard-heavy scenarios. In this case, I think the extra card is more dangerous, but I don't want to make assumptions before testing it.


Jun 12, 2022 Stef · 21

Interesting ideas and a good write-up. Question: how about 1x Ingenuity instead of a Enhanced Awareness? Same speed, can last you the long game if the plan goes wrong. You have to switch to AE to play it though, so you have to careful with it.

Jun 12, 2022 huevobeans · 23

@Stef Thank you. The second Enhanced Awareness has been on the chopping block for a while and will likely be replaced by one of those new cards.

I like Ingenuity, but I find it hard to justify since it only gets better than Enhanced Awareness on a fourth turn. By that point, we're likely to have finished the game(or we're close to doing it) anyway because we're spending the extra resource every turn(games, where we stall, don't tend to play out like that).