Brutal Spider-Man

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Brawler Spider-Man 1 1 0 1.0
Brawler Spider-Man 1 0 0 2.0

rremy · 429

Edit : I change the deck name because it can be mistaken for the Protection card Counter-Punch.

The main idea of this Agression build of Spider-Man is to capitalize on attack cards like Swinging Web Kick, Haymaker, Uppercut, Relentless Assault that you can play even if you hero is exhausted. You can thus defend each turn but still do a lot of damages. I also include Tac Team because it is another card usable without exhausting your hero.

Of course, these cards are expensive, but Spider-Man has both Web-Shooter and his draw engine to provide enough resources.

I try to have a consistent deck, so I use Chase Them Down to mirror Spider-Tracer and Mockingbird to mirror Webbed Up. I still hesitate between Avengers Mansion and Helicarrier. The mansion replicates the draw effect of Spider-Man and can combo with Black Cat, but the helicopter is less expensive. Perhaps should I go to 42 cards to take two copies of each of them ? I am also not sure about Tigra.

I do not include Hulk because this deck has a lot of mental resource cards. Tenacity and Combat Training do not make the cut because Spider-Man will not do enough basic attacks.


Sep 10, 2023 petepaw · 1

Thank you. Worked just as advertised. Fun deck. Used solo on expert and was victorious! It went: No damage to villain, no damage, no damage, then boom dead, boom dead!