
Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

matko1986 · 2

Finnished solo:

  • Rhino - heroic lvl1
  • Green Goblin (risky business) - expert mode
  • Green Goblin (mutagen formula) - expert mode

to be continued...

Hi, sorry for my english - it is not my first language. This is my first good protection deck for solo play. I have chosen Iron Man, because there is an another tech upgrade in protection aspect. Energy Barrier is really good card which give you handsize in hero form and some dmg "reflection".

This deck is not builded around Repulsor Blast with so many lightning resource cards. This is control deck, with Tackle for stun. Stun is one of the best control.

In the opening hand is nice to see some resource card and 1-3 tech cards. You must Immediately start build your setup for game for any price. Bring as many tech upgrades as you can. Usually I stay in alter-ego form for first round.

In 2nd round you must be prepared for switching to hero form, in which I usually/almost stay for the rest of the game. So Stark Tower is not bad, if you played it in first round, but it is not necessary. Best upgrade is Arc Reactor. Prioritize it before any other. Double thwart is perfect.

In first few games I played more allies, but after few games I recognized that I really do not need them so much. Mockingbird with stun is great, Nick Fury for more any situation. Nova maybe for more enemies, if they appear.

cards analysis:

Iron Man is quite independent character. He rly does not need many special aspect cards. The most important are Energy Barrier and Tackle.

Get inspired and enjoy I will try another villains with this deck.