She-Hulk — Lead from the Office

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Incredibul · 3367

She-Hulk's in the Office and Kicking ASS! Usually by calling a fellow Avenger to handle a problem because unfortunately, you're busy in an important meeting, fighting the good fight on the legal side of things.

This deck doesn't care about any late-game power. Bring in that expensive Ally and turn after turn, heal 'em, pump'em with cheap cards. You can afford to stay in Alter-Ego and "I Object" as you Allies will handle threat as early as turn 1. This will handle most expert decks. Zola with Retaliate and Doomdsday Chair was the biggest Problem because of the Retaliates, so you might consider adding Ready for Action for that specific match up, but other than that, you're in a good position.

That beeing said, you really explode in She-Hulk mode. A Falcon in Turn 1 means you remove 0—3 Threat, switch to She-Hulk, do 2 damage, do 3 Damage and thwart or Damage with Falcon for 2.

That beeing said, you can of course stay in She-Hulk mode multiple turns if the main scheme allows. She-Hulks "I Object" is really powerful. Once you have two Allies on the Field, you are bringing he pressure to the Villain. First Aid, Inspiring Presence , Teamwork and Team Training let your allies stay in the game almost indefinetly. You basically play like Iron-Man: Stay 2-3 Turns in Alter-Ego to bring more cards to the table.

Once your allies are set-up, your deck is also really cheap.

Notable Exclusions Avengers Mansionis not worth it. If you have an ally and Avengers Mansion in hand turn 1, you play an ally. Healing is so cost-efficient. She-Hulk already brings 2 Focused Rage to the table, also Split Personality.

Avengers Assemble! in this deck is a win-more card. Your allies are the big ones and already bring enough burst damage with Sky Cycle and [Get Ready] (/card/01069). Goliath and Vision both can do a lot of damage in a turn, and She-Hulk herself can One-Two Punch at any time.

She-Hulks own cards The sad unloved cards, Legal Practice and Ground Stomp, work surprisingly well in that set-up. Your thwarting is so distributed that you seldom overpay with Legal Practice. Ground Stomp also gives you another ping tool to remove Though and do that one missing damage.

Gamma Slam works extra well as you are taking the damage for your allies, and not the other way around.

Superhuman Law Division can almost neutralize the Villains scheming turn, staying in Alter-Ego one extra turn which means a card played on one of your alies one extra turn.

Focused Rage is a good investment once you have an ally on the board. But get that board under control first, your engine are your allies. Think about it: First Aid is usually 4 damage or 4 thwart for 1, and if you have Get Ready or Inspiring Presence you actually get the value in the turn you played it.

One-Two Punch fits well into the low-cost curve. Even with only 4 cards in hand, you can play some nice combos.

Superhuman Strength preserves you health for that extra turn, so play it.

Why She-Hulk? The Package probably works with other heroes as well. But She-Hulk with her big pool of HP can take the damage for your heroes, who are far to valueable to chump-block. Blocking with your allies should only be done in the most direst of circumstances, or if you have a replacement ally in hand. Also, She-Hulk just produces less threat in Alter-Ego and her primary damage dealing card, One-Two Punch, integrates well with the cheap upgrades for your allies.


Sep 26, 2020 mistergross · 1

I'm enjoying this deck! It was tricky to learn at first. You really have to plan ahead with managing the rate of damage She-Hulk takes vs safely defending/changing to lawyer mode.

One thing I changed - Quincarrier for Helicarrier. It can provide the resource for superhuman law division in a pinch, and may be essential against the attachment-heavy villains.

Sep 26, 2020 Incredibul · 3367

@mistergross yes, it's strictly better once in play, a bit hard to play as you have to be in Hero Mode to play it.

Sep 26, 2020 mistergross · 1

@Incredibulvery true. maybe it only worked for me b/c I was playing Crossbones -- there was never a turn where I felt safe staying in alter-ego the whole way through