What has six guns and doesn't give a #@$&?

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

CaptainJin · 378

What’s better than one gun? Six guns: two in each hand, two more in your symbiote tendrils, and two more strapped to your back for when you run out of ammo.

This deck is designed to keep dishing out punishment while pushing through the damage, true Venom style. Despite being thematic, this deck is also extremely effective. It has been tested against Expert Klaw, and while two very unfortunate treachery-induced schemes did bring the game dangerously close to a defeat, I was able to get the game back very firmly under control and dish out massive amounts of damage to Klaw and knock him out for the win.

Card Priorities

As always, card priority is handled through the “Four -Ations”. Note that these are guidelines. Depending on your current situation, feel free to make adjustments to the cards you prioritize as you play.


Helicarrier will help you get out more cards each turn. Endurance is in the deck to help you stay as Venom longer, while Project Rebirth 2.0 and Down Time will allow you to flip back to Venom faster.

It is possible that you won’t be able to play Side Holster your first time through the deck, and that is OK. Consider holding onto it until the next turn, but only if doing so does not waste potential resources. Martial Prowess can also provide additional assistance for playing your event cards, but you can play an entire game without having it in play and still perform well.


These cards help Venom to do what he does best – dish out punishment with prejudice.

Multi-Gun is a beast of a weapon! The ability to do 2 damage to a single target, 1 damage to all targets, or remove 2 threat every turn you are in hero form in addition to your basic abilities is massive.

Venom's Pistol, Combat Training and Hand Cannon are in the deck to boost your ATK.

Boot Camp will further optimize your turns by boosting the damage output by your allies, but it is not as crucial as the other cards in this list and can be skipped in favor of more important ones.


Once finished preparing and optimizing, prioritize getting out allies.

  • Bug is an excellent choice with his ability to heal every turn after Venom attacks as you should be spending nearly every turn attacking.
  • Angela is also a really effective ally with her strong attack and health stats for 0 resources. While she does have a tradeoff of most probably causing an additional minion to engage with you, even the strong minions in the Masters of Evil Encounter can be easily dealt with using your many potential sources of damage.
  • Rocket Raccoon is great at clearing minions, but more imortantly, is good for clearing threat, which is certainly a weak point of this deck.


Lastly, to get the most out of everything you’ve setup, prioritize events in this order.

Exhausting a weapon to play Fusillade does much more damage than simply using the action on a weapon. When you have the option and it won’t take away resources from other cards that are more critical at that point in time, play Fusillade.

Behind Enemy Lines is also higher priority than attack cards like Drop Kick and Savage Attack because threat removal is a weak point for this deck, making the threat removal and confusion provided by the card extremely useful.

Playing the Cards

Wombo Combo

On the ideal turn when doing as much damage as possible to the Villain, you would:

  1. play Fusillade to deal 5 damage and exhaust one copy of Venom's Pistol;
  2. do a basic attack, exhausting the other copy of Venom's Pistol and Hand Cannon for a total of 6 ATK;
  3. exhaust Multi-Gun to deal 2 damage;
  4. play Run and Gun to ready Venom and all of your weapons;
  5. do another basic attack, exhausting both copies of Venom's Pistol and Hand Cannon for a total of 7 ATK;
  6. exhaust Multi-Gun again to deal another 2 damage.

Just from Venom alone, this comes to a grand total of 22 damage in one turn, not taking potential allies into account.

Other Notes

If you have another Hand Cannon in your hand and playing it would replace a copy of the card already in play, play the card if the existing copy has 1 ammo counter left. If there are still two counters left, you can consider playing the card provided it does not take away resources from another more effective play.

You should be taking most of the brunt of incoming attacks, only sacrificing allies if it saves you. Because of this, be prepared to keep flipping back and forth between hero and alter-ego forms.

Only defend if there is a high risk of being knocked out on the same turn. This deck is most effective when performing basic attacks, and it is not worth sacrificing your attacks simply to negate damage.

Final Words

This deck is a blast to play, combining high-octane action with strategic use of firepower. The thrill of unleashing powerful attacks and skillfully managing your arsenal keeps every game dynamic and exciting, and the ability to dish out punishment while taking on large amounts of damage and just not care is darkly satisfying.


Jul 08, 2024 ArtificerAlf · 1

Awesome build. My first Hero pack was Venom, as I was drawn to the fact that he was searching for Weapon Upgrades. I wanted an Aggression deck, but was concerned at the time about his Thwart, so I played Justice a bit, then had a Leadership build for my first Galaxy's Most Wanted playthrough. Been looking for other ideas and stumbled across this and took it for a spin last night. Might make some of my own tweaks, but I definitely love the set-up and strategy breakdown!

Jul 08, 2024 CaptainJin · 378

@ArtificerAlf Please let me know the tweaks you make. I'd like to test it out myself and use it to improve on this deck.