Card draw simulator
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9452smith · 14
This is a Thwart heavy deck and is great at controlling scheme, especially in Multiplayer.
For your Setup choose Build Support. On turn 1 mulligan for multiple copies of One Way or Another and cherry pick the easiest Side Scheme/s. If you hit all 3 copies you'll have a hand size of 12.
NB - If the Side Schemes are particularly difficult to deal with or have a big "when defeated" downside, think twice about playing more than one copy of One Way or Another.
Your hand will now likely contain Making an Entrance, Mind Scan, Jessica Jones or Spider-Man. Use them to clear a Side Scheme, prioritising Build Support, as it will allow you to play Graymalkin for free.
The second Player Side Scheme to clear (which is possible on turn 1 under the right circumstances) is Call for Backup; rip Nick Fury or Jessica Jones for even more draw or more Thwart. Overwatch will allow you to clear 2-4 Schemes in the first 2 turns, maybe the first turn if the cards fall right.
Use Chance Encounter to set up future turns, so you can pull Spider-Man or Jessica Jones, pretty much guaranteeing you another Side Scheme clear.
At the end of your first turn, you're likely to have Graymalkin in play, Build Support in the Victory Display and 1, possibly 2 allies in play. You'll likely have downed another Side Scheme too.
If you're player 1, players 2, 3 and 4 will also have 1 support and possibly 1 ally ready to go before they've even done anything.
Try to end your turns in Hero form, let Spider-Man a take a hit for you then pull him back with Chance Encounter. Try to keep Jessica Jones around as long as possible.
If you don't have a Chance Encounter, you'll almost certainly have a high Thwart card to still deal with the side schemes, letting you and Graymalkin ready on your turn.
Control the scheme until the late game, chipping damage with Turn the Tide and the ever increasing Plasma Rifle, then pump damage with Telekinetic Blast and multiple Ally attacks.
Captain Britain - He's not essential, but 4 resources for 9 Thwart on a Side Scheme is pretty good. He's also fairly decent at knocking back the average minion.
Hope Summers - She can tutor a Superpower card from your deck, and Cable has two very important ones in Mind Scan and Telekinetic Blast. Your Superpower cards are cheap with Deft Focus, Team-Building Exercise and Graymalkin, so even though Hope is a 4 cost, they can be played on the same turn too. Just note that her ability is a play from hand, so it won't work with Call for Backup.
Jessica Jones - An absolute beast, as she gets +1 THW for each Side Scheme in play. With the Player Side Schemes and One Way or Another, she often has a THW of 5/6. This couples great with Overwatch.
Nick Fury - Pure utility. Can be used in so many situations. Great with Call for Backup.
Spider-Man - His ability is play from hand, can only target Side Schemes and he costs 5 BUT he can clear a Side Scheme on his own. His ability even ramps in Multiplayer. A must include in this deck.
Spider-Man - Again not essential, but for 3 resources he can have 3 THW or 4 ATK on the turn you play him (from hand). A decent include but not essential.
Making an Entrance - You'll be spending most of the game in Hero form and Thwarting, so healing up for 2 when you clear a Scheme is pretty useful. With Technovirus Purge in the victory display, this gives you a THW of 5.
One Way or Another - A lynch pin of the deck, especially in the first few turns. It lets you constantly have Side Schemes in play, giving you multiple targets for Chance Encounter and Overwatch, whilst also buffing Jessica Jones. It also means you can dictate when a particular Side Scheme is revealed, letting you deal with it on your terms.
Turn the Tide - You don't have much in terms of damage until you hit the late game and Telekinetic Blast comes in to it's own, so having some chip damage can be very useful. It kills most minions, but it is more of a niche card in most situations.
Player Side Schemes;
Build Support - Perfect for playing Graymalkin on turn 1 for free. The other players will also thank you. Must include.
Call for Backup - Any card for free is great. An ally that has an "enter play" Response is even better. Aim for Jessica Jones if you need a big Thwart for a few turns or Nick Fury for instant damage, draw or Thwart plus a chump block.
Establish Perimeter - A free Tough for you and your teammates? Oh go on then.
Superpower Training - A free Upgrade is good for everyone. Sure it has to be Identity specific, but in Cable's case Plasma Rifle is a great target, since his damage output early on is fairly low.
Team-Building Exercise - Once you have Technovirus Purge in the Victory Display, Cable gains the Psionic Trait. His superpower cards Telekinetic Blast and Mind Scan (plus others) also have the Psionic Trait. Hope Summers can also tutor these from your deck. This lets you play them on the cheap.
Chance Encounter - You'll be Thwarting and defeating lots of Side Schemes. This allows you to pull essential allies like Jessica Jones and Spider-Man back to you hand to continue the Thwarting.
Deft Focus - Cable has lots of Superpower cards. This makes them so much cheaper. Coupled with Team-Building Exercise and Graymalkin, the 3 cost Telekinetic Blast costs 0. You can even pay for Mind Scan with this and Graymalkin, clear a Side Scheme then ready Cable AND Graymalkin. Great value.
Overwatch - Again, you'll be defeating lots of side schemes. Jessica Jones or Making an Entrance with the +1 from Technovirus Purge can be 5 Thwart from 2 different Schemes. Outrageous.
Skilled Investigator - Defeat a Side Scheme, draw a card plus it's free to play. A no-brainer. Auto include.