Cost: 0.

Attach to a scheme. Max 1 per scheme.

Hero Interrupt: When any amount of threat is removed from attached scheme by a thwart, discard this card → remove an equal amount of threat from a different scheme.

Spider-Ham #19.

Overwatch is one of the strongest threat-removal cards in the game. In terms of threat removed per resource, it can easily hit the benchmark of 2 from a simple hero or ally THW activation. In combination with larger thwart events like For Justice! or Crisis Averted, Overwatch reaches 4-for-1 or 6-for-1 efficiency, nearly unmatched in the game under normal circumstances. On top of this, it costs 0, giving your hand maximum flexibility for efficient turns. Needing a second scheme to come into play could be awkward, but you can always just stick it on the main scheme and wait for one to come out. Nothing is better than the peace of mind knowing that when a nasty side scheme comes out, you'll be able to deal with it while still keeping pace on the main scheme. I'll especially add copies of Overwatch to my deck if I'm playing a few player side schemes, or if I have a One Way or Another strategy. If you're searching for cards to make your Justice deck better at thwarting, be sure you've considered Overwatch.

Stretch22 · 860
It works so well with Cable, since you'll have a player side scheme in play right away. You'll get a lot of value out it immediately, unless the main scheme you're playing starts with zero threat. — erikw1984 · 29

I have a doubt with this card and Cable. His own side scheme, Technovirus Purge says that characters other than Cable cannot remove threat from it. My question is... ¿if I Attach Overwatch to another scheme, can I discard it to remove threat from Technovirus Purge when another character thwarts to the attached scheme?

I'd say yes, as I'm the owner of the overwatch card, and It's me who is using it, therefore, removing threat from Technovirus Purge. I'd just want to know if anybody can confirm that I'm doing right.

wehehe · 228
Yes. Upgrades are considered an extension of your identity. — Stretch22 · 860
Then, the sinergy between this and Spider-Man is just bonkers :O. I used Yesterday to remove a scheme just found with one way or another and TVP with spidey — wehehe · 228
FYI, the Spider-Man (Peter Parker) Justice ally removes threat upon entry, but this is not a "thwart", which is necessary to trigger overwatch. — Stretch22 · 860
Question on this specific matter, if another player attaches overwatch to a side scheme, and I controlling cable thwart that side scheme, can I trigger overwatch on Technovirus purge? What if I place overwatch but someone else thwarts, can overwatch remove from Technovirus purge? And last case, another player places overwatch and thwarts on it, can they remove from technovirus purge? I'm very confused. — Normochampion · 1
1. No. The Overwatch is considered to be done by the other player's identity, not Cable. 2. Yes, that is OP's question. 3. No, same reason as 1. All three could apply the following logic: Does the Cable player control the Overwatch? If yes, it can remove from Technovirus Purge. If no, it cannot — Stretch22 · 860
Ouch, I completely skipped the "by a thwart" part. It was too good to be possible — wehehe · 228