X-23's My Bestie Badger

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

BlndTger · 1


I wrote about it on reddit within Villain theory's deep dive on X-23. https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelchampionslcg/comments/145erpw/x23_hero_kit_deep_dive/

I will update this with Card choices etc soon. Sorry for the wait.

Things of Note

  1. in order for a Response ability to resolve, the card ability it is on must remain in play once the triggering condition is met

Kit Cards

  1. Honey Badger : She's our Bestie. The reason for this deck.
  2. Animal Instinct :
  3. Regenerative Longevity : Helps keep Badger alive.
  4. Sisterly Bond : A small singular use damage boost.
  5. Sisterhood : Helps keep badger on the board.
  6. Grim Resolve : Resource Generator that also triggers X-23's hero ability.
  7. Pain Tolerance : Over the course of the game, you'll heal yourself quite a bit.
  8. Puncture Wound : Small Utility.

Card Selection

Addition Choices

  • Make the Call
  • First Aid
  • Honorary Avenger
  • Honorary Guardian
  • Honorary X-Men
  • X-Force Recruit
  • Professor X : Cost is the primary downside here. 3 resources to ready up, plus some other utility. Looking to maximize on playing multiple cards a turn.
  • Rapid Response : The first thing you need to understand is that is at the point Honey Badger takes damage and dies, her trigger NEVER resolves (in order for a Response ability to resolve, the card ability it is on must remain in play once the triggering condition is met). So Rapid Response reads in this instance, return Honey Badger to play, deal one damage. Honey Badgers Trigger resolves Ready Up X-23. So you've paid 2 resources for 1 ready up ability and gained a potential target to re-equip.

The Setup— Beginning in Alter-Ego.

  • [ ] Specialized Training Complete (Combat Specialist in play, Your hero gets +1 ATK. Hero response: After your hero preforms a basic attack exhaust this card - draw 1 card).
  • [ ] Honey Badger in play, equipped with Danger Room Training, inspiration, sidearm and reinforced armor, +3 ATK, +3HP.
  • [ ] 2 Command Center in play.
  • [ ] Clarity of Purpose or Grim Resolve in play.
  • [ ] Team Training in play +1HP.
  • [ ] Moira McTagart in play.
  • 6 cards in hand.

Claw Mastery, Get Ready, Game Time, Game Time, Game Time, x (random card).

The Sequence

  1. Shuffle Sisterly Bond event from your discard pile into your deck - Draw 1 card (Get ready).
  2. Flip to Hero X-23. Exhaust Moria McTagart, draw a card x (random card).
  3. Play “Claw Mastery”, pitching x. Gain +2ATK and overkill.
  4. ATK with X-23 for 4.
  5. Exhaust “Combat Specialist”, Draw a Card (“Sisterly Bond”)
  6. Exhaust “X-23’s Claws”, take 2 dmg and ready X-23, +2ATK.
  7. ATK with X-23 for 6 (10 total).
  8. Play Sisterly Bond, “Honey Badger”’s ATK becomes 6 +3 from Danger Room Training, Inspiration and Sidearm.
  9. ATK with “Honey Badger” for 9 (19 dmg total), take 1 consequential dmg (1dmg), ready X-23.
  10. ATK with X-23 for 6 (25 total).
  11. Exhaust “Command Team”, Ready “Honey Badger”.
  12. ATK with “Honey Badger” for 4 (29 total), take 1 consequential dmg (2dmg), ready X-23.
  13. ATK with X-23 for 6 (35 total).
  14. Exhaust 2nd “Command Team”, Ready “Honey Badger”.
  15. ATK with “Honey Badger” for 4 (39 total), take 1 consequential dmg (3dmg), ready X-23.
  16. ATK with X-23 for 6 (45 total).
  17. Play “Game Time”. Heal 1 damage (2dmg) and ready Honey Badger.
  18. ATK with “Honey Badger” for 4 (49 total), take 1 consequential dmg (3dmg), ready X-23.
  19. ATK with X-23 for 6 (55 total).
  20. Play “Game Time”. Heal 1 damage (2dmg) and ready Honey Badger.
  21. ATK with “Honey Badger” for 4,” (59 total), take 1 consequential dmg (3dmg), ready X-23.
  22. ATK with X-23 for 6 (65 total).
  23. Play “Game Time”. Heal 1 damage (2dmg) and ready Honey Badger.
  24. ATK with “Honey Badger” for 4 (69 total), take 1 consequential dmg (3dmg), ready X-23.
  25. ATK with X-23 for 6 (75 total).
  26. Play “Get Ready”. Ready Honey Badger.
  27. ATK with “Honey Badger” for 4 (79 total). take 1 consequential dmg (4dmg), ready X-23.
  28. ATK with X-23 for 6 (85 total).
  29. Play “Get Ready”. Ready Honey Badger.
  30. ATK with “Honey Badger” for 4 (89 total). take 1 consequential dmg (5dmg), ready X-23.
  31. ATK with X-23 for 6 (95 total).

This line still leaves you with 1 card in hand. And Grim Resolve / Clarity of Purpose Ready. First Aid or Regenerative Longevity could heal Badger up a bit for next turn.

Now the probability of all this happening, yeah….


Nov 18, 2023 PaybackJack · 43

This looks great. I'm going to modify mine slightly.

+1 Triskellion +1 Stinger +2 Strength in Numbers

-1 Reinforced Suit -1 Inspired -1 Danger Room

I think using Strength in Numbers is going to make that "god hand" a bit more consistent in the late game. I'd like Danger Room a lot more if it was either something you could repeat the effect on, or wasn't locked to Alter-Ego.

Nov 18, 2023 BlndTger · 1

@PaybackJack Thanks for having a look and commenting. You'd be surprised how much you want to flip down and recover with her. Which is why Moira McTaggart helps with the flip downs too.

I dont see how Stinger even enters play as X-23 is not an Avenger. [Strength In Numbers](/card/03017 is decent if you think you're going to keep your allies around... but honestly they're only in the deck for function and defense. Play em, get the effect, make a quick atk or thw and block the next attack (just pretend they represent tough with upsides). So on that note The Triskelion is also bad.

Hopefully when I add the card selection reason things might become more apparent. Good Luck and Ready Up!

Nov 21, 2023 PaybackJack · 43

Stinger can come in through Call for Backup or if you want to also run it, Make the Call which I added 1 copy of to my version.

I've run this deck through Expert Magneto 7 times and it's been great. It's a bit slower on the setup, typically I find I'll go through the player deck at least once, but that's also due to the card draw. I've found that I'll usually need to go through the deck a second time to help get the necessary upgrades on Badger for the big damage.

If you're tossing out Badger as a defender then I can see why you might want to run Danger Room. I'm looking into the numbers for seeing what kind of hand I can build on the penultimate turn and where the threshold is. Lead from the Front is a card that adds some more damage in there at a fairly cheap cost. A copy of that and a copy of X-Gene to pay for the Claw Mastery on the bomb turn. Avengers Mansion is pretty expensive but we want all the draw we can get for that bomb turn. I'm guessing the threshold is somewhere around 14 cards right now. Is it more value to try and play a Regenerative Longevity on the bomb turn than run Reinforced Suit.

Many questions, I really like X-23 though. I thought she was going to be good but she's quickly approaching S-Tier for me. Really appreciate you posting the deck with the sequence because that was a great foundation to build off of.