Night Light

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

LeahLorenna · 310


while watching the series I really got back into playing Ms. Mavel. Especially with the then newly released Champion Packs she got really strong compared to when she initially released. So today I wanted to share my version of Ms. Marvel :)

About Kamala:

With all of her base stats being just 1 it's pretty clear that we won't get very far trying to utilize her base power. But in case that's not clear enough her hero ability Morphogenetics lets you return the event that you just played back to your hand by exhausting her. That means instead of exhausting her to use our base power we gonna exhaust ourselves to get back 1 event each turn. So while some might still find a way to push her ATK high enough to make it viable with Fluid Motion or something, we are instead gonna focus purely on playing events :)


Since I liked explaining my She-Hulk deck through her playstyle and combos I thought I am gonna try this again for Kamala even though it might pretty obvious in most cases, but I also think that going through every card might also be a bit boring. So maybe I am gonna do a bit of both! I haven't decided, yet ^^# So bare with me, please!

I like to start with our strategy for defense. In short: there is none :D With her REC of 5 and Down Time we gonna take the attacks as they come. Now, with only a health pool of 10 this is a bit risky. But also with only a DEF of 1 there isn't much else we can do except for lining up allies to take the hits for us. Of course we gonna play Wiggle Room each time we can make use of it and in case thing do go south Brawn can also take a hit or two for us. That means we're gonna flip to our Alter Ego quite often. But all our hero support cards are Alter Ego actions anyway so spending too much time in Hero mode would mean we are gonna waste some potential.

  • Nakia Bahadir is basically a Helicarrier that can only be triggered in AE but we can still play the card in Hero form. So we can use her to reduce the costs of events that we are planning to play.

  • Bruno Carrelli (or Bryan) can hold cards for us that we can later put back into our hand by exhausting him. While we can pick up up to 3 cards in hero form, we can only place there 1 card in AE each time we exhaust him. But the total amount of cards he can hold is not limited and neither is it limited to events only for example. So letting him hold some resource cards for a big turn is possible. Also since we can only pick up 3 cards I suggest to not go completely overboard with this ^^

  • While Ready to Rumble is not an Alter Ego action it does help us get ready again after recovering in Alter Ego and switching back to our hero form, so we can make use of Morphogenetics :)

Now let's get to the juicy part. As mentioned this is an event orientated deck. And we are gonna focus on enhancing these events and try to get the most out of them. And for that Embiggen!, Shrink and Honed Technique are gonna help us. Embiggen! and Shrink enhance events by 2 ATK and 2 THW respectively and need to be exhausted so we can only use them once per turn. Honed Technique on the other hand can be triggered as often as we want and enhances the damage of an event by its costs as long as we can pay for it with a . That's where Biokinetic Polymer Suit comes in handy with its :)

While I didn't pack the strongest events into the deck, I did try to focus on events that also come with a to trigger Honed Technique more often and also to even play it in the first place since it does require 2 in order to play it. Now you might get lucky and have both Helicarrier and Nakia Bahadir on the table and only have to pay 1 but in case you don't wanna wait for Genius or The Power of Aggression these events will help you get to where you wanna be!

  • Hit and Run gets really strong on Ms. Marvel. A full buffed Hit 'n Run becomes a 4 ATK + 4 THW event which is pretty sweet :)

  • While Melee is not as strong as Uppercut it does come with a and also lets us attack a 2nd target so we dont get swamped by minions. With Embiggen! and Honed Technique it becomes a whooping 8 + 8 attack! And with Marked you can make use of the resulting overkill

  • In case we really slacked thwarting on the main scheme Into the Fray helps us get rid of the threat in no time. Fully buffed we can deal up to 11 damage on a minion and convert the excess damage into a thwart on the main scheme. Now this event does not count as a thwart though and can't be enhanced by Shrink. If needed, try to lower the minions health as low as possible to before playing it.

  • No Quarter can deal up to 8 damage on a minion and forces us to discard cards from our deck for each excess damage, but we can pick em up as long as they are aggression cards. So if you really wanna push for Honed Technique for example this helps you get there faster. And also comes with a :)

  • Each time we killed a minion with any of these events we can follow up with Chase Them Down and if we havent used it already we can enhance it with Shrink. And in case we combo'ed it with Hit and Run or Into the Fray we can decide to thwart on a different scheme! :)

  • Her hero offensive events are unfortunately not the best value since they seemed to have taken the effects of Embiggen! & Shrink into account. Big Hands deals 4 damage for 3 ER and Sneak By thwarts for 3 for ER outside of the enhancements.

Now, personally I would say give Hit and Run and Melee the highest prio for your Morphogenetics. Let Bruno Carrelli hold Into the Fray for when you need it since we are only going for 1 copy. Chase Them Down and Hit and Run should be enough thwart in most cases unless you get really unlucky with side schemes or you need to get rid of them ASAP. But don't forget that Red Dagger can also help you out with thwarting. And while it is a bit expensive you can return him to your hand when he is defeated by spending 2 resources. But we also get to deal 2 damage to an enemy so thats kinda neat as well.


Now, let's talk about the adjustments. Obviously there is a lot that you can switch up with the events according to your personal taste, the villain you are fighting, or if you play solo or in a multiplayer enviroment. I am not gonna talk about every possiblilty since this would take too much time. So feel free to experiment with the amount of copies you wanna take with you or replace events entirely. If you don't feel like 3 copies of Hit and Run and would like to have more aggression cards for No Quarter go ahead and switch 'em out.

  • Uppercut is a strong choice but it does not come with a so I prefer Melee instead.

  • Clobber is also pretty solid. But since we already get 1 event back per turn, it does slow down how fast we get through our deck. So keep that in mind in case you decide to put it into the deck.

  • Toe to Toe is a pretty cheap event, it does come with a but Honed Technique "only" enhances it by 1 and we do get attacked by the enemy which might put us at risk. So beware if you wanna take it with you!

  • Drop Kick may seem like a very good choice since we can deal up to 9 damage if we decide to buff it, but remember that we do not get to stun the target and can't draw a card if we ain't using only to pay for it. That means we have to make a choice if we wanna use Honed Technique or not. Well that's not a deal breaker, since 6 damage + stun + card draw is still damn good. But it also does not come with a .

  • Aggressive Energy is ofc also a pretty good option if you want to take it with you. Me personally I prefer The Power of Aggression to get Honed Technique on the table :)

  • Hulk if you would rather go with Hulk instead of Brawn or want a 2nd meat shield. Not that Brawn can help you out with thwarting though in case you really need it.

  • Endurance in case you feel like 10 HP are not enough^^

As I said before feel free to experiment, I personally like the ratio of within the deck since it really makes me less worry about paying for Honed Technique and helps us trigger it consistantly if we wanna play more than 1 event and can't rely on Biokinetic Polymer Suit.

So that's it! I hope you like the deck and the show! Let me know what you think, I always appreciate it :)



Oct 05, 2022 Renna · 1

I really like the deck, excited to play it this weekend, Ms Marvel is a hero who gets better every release it seems, great work!

Oct 05, 2022 LeahLorenna · 310

Aww thank you so much! I hope you will enjoy it :) And you are right, Ms Marvel really got quite a few strong cards last few releases. Especially from Gamora and Nova :)

Oct 10, 2022 TrollSavant · 1

Hello @LeahLorenna, there are very good ideas with your deck ! But if i’m not mistaken hit and run won’t work with honed technique as it’s not a agression event

Oct 10, 2022 LeahLorenna · 310

Well that's embarrassing :( thank you for pointing that out ^^ @TrollSavant Wish I could say it was a typo but I guess a got a little bit too excited writing everything up that it slipped my mind :( I corrected the sentence to make it more clear. Still would suggest though prioritizing Hit and Run for your ability since its the most reliable source to thwart. Thats why I would aslo suggest to stick to 3 copies :)

Thank you for your feedback. I really apprecitate it! :)

Oct 11, 2022 TrollSavant · 1

I really like the ideas in your deck, nova has some really good new cards for Kamala indeed :) Thanks for sharing it !

Oct 13, 2022 LeahLorenna · 310

Thank you so much! :)