Vision the Home-droid (Solo - Justice) [LMDT]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Carquinyoli · 280

This is a classical control slow-paced justice deck for solo playing (I guess it will also work for multi) that will allow Vision to spend a lot of time in AE (in Intangible mass form to maximize draw) while building, and you'll build A LOT in AE. In the late game you'll switch to aggression mode (dense form) and deal massive damage with his events in hero form, and also in AE with allies.


Meditation provides cash for our expensive cards: allies, Mansion, Beat Cops, Sonic Riffle, and could also pay 2-cost cards like Under Surveillance and CounterIntelligence. All of them can be played in AE. Only the Quincarrier requires to be in hero form, so it could easily be replaced by the Helicarrier, but I find the wild resource more useful. With the generators (Deft Focus, Solar Gem, Quincarrier), The Avengers Mansion, the 3x double resources and 1x The Power of Justice you'll have plenty of cash. Besides, once the 616 Hickory Branch Lane is set, it provides an additional card that usually will be played as ally but could work as an additional resource. Same with Density Control.

Deft Focus is an obvious choice since Vision has plenty of super-powers.

So while in AE-Intangible with a hand of 6, with a Meditation and any double resource you can play a couple of expensive cards. If you need an additional resource, go to Hero, change to Dense form and draw it. Take damage and when you come back to AE you'll heal (with Reboot you can heal and also exhaust again to play Meditation).

I've had hands of 9 or 10 cards: 6 (AE-intangible) +1 (Mansion) +1 (616) +1 (flip to hero + flip to Dense), +1 (discarding Density Control to get a Vision's event from discard).


There are many ways to prevent or remove threat in AE: Foiled!, Counterintelligence, Under Surveillance, Beat Cop, and of course all our allies will be of great help (Agent Coulson will also get us any of the two preps). If additional thwarting is required, flip to hero and thwart with Vision's basic TWH or Just Passing Through. The Sonic Rifle can be brought to table in AE, and activated afterwards when we flip to hero, to have a safe return to AE confusing the Villain. And Phase Disruption... omg, that confuses the villain and discards annoying attachments, so GREAT!


Vision has 5 event cards to deal damage. During the first part of the game i barely play them against the villain, only to get rid of minions if I don't have allies for that. In the late game, those 5 cards can turn into 7 with the Density Control, so once built we can destroy the villain pretty quick. And some of our allies can do A LOT OF DAMAGE as I explain next.


  • Venom. He's difficult to bring in at the beginning, he's more of a second cycle ally. Once built, it's easy to have the main scheme at 0 threat, so Venom is a real beast then.
  • Vivian is the m.v.p. of this deck once 616 Hickory Branch Lane is on the table, bringing her back the same turn she's defeated (remember we'll be staying in AE most of the time). She thwarts a lot while in Intangible and can deal with minions or hit the villain when flipping to dense. She alone can defeat a 6 hp minion in a single turn: either healing/preparing her with Reboot or fielding her again in AE-dense form.
  • Agent Coulson. As said above, he thwarts well, removes tough statuses and brings to hand Counterintelligence or Target Acquired.
  • Although I barely use him, I keep Machine Man because it's a cheap Android that can be brought in easy with 616 when we need to thwart hard or get rid of a nasty minion if boosted. However, I may replace him with Spider-Man (Miles Morales).
  • Quake is here to damage minions while in AE using her ability, so she's never to be activated (at most 1).
  • Maybe a 6th ally is not needed, but I'm struggling to pick one. Here I've put Spider-Miles (my first option was Wiccan but I keep discarding 0 boost icons or boost capacities so he's not dealing damage), but it could be him War Machine, Jessica Jones, Wiccan or Quasar, and depending on the scenario I may pick one or the other.


Yes, I could probably cut it to 40 but I feel there's no need. The deck has it's own "tutors": Density Control for events and 616 Hickory Branch Lane for Viv/MachineMan. Oh, and Coulson for preps. Besides, you'll finish with lots of cards on the table, so after the fist cycle the deck will get thinner. Games won't be quick, but you'll have a lot of control. Enjoy!!


Not much at this time, but I had no problems against:

  • Expert Rhino + Children of Thanos
  • Expert Klaw + Masters of Evil
  • Expert Ultron + Under Attack
  • Expert Mutagen Formula + Goblin Gimmicks

All them defeated at the first try.