Star-Lord Avenger Ally Voltron

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

stephenfurmanek · 13

1) Rationale:

The purpose of this deck is to leverage Iron Man and Ronin as allies to upgrade. With a 5-card hand you can play Ronin for free and throw 2 upgrades on him, or pay 1 for Iron Man and put 3 upgrades on him, or play one of them and a chump blocker. All other allies are cheap chump-blockers, because you'll need them. Unlike most YOLO Star-Lord decks, this deck should not be played that way (at least until you get set up).

2) Card Inclusion:

Allies: Iron Man and Ronin are self-explanatory. Yondu and Beta Ray Bill are strong candidates for ally attachment decks but are not Avengers and can't take half the upgrades here. Giant-Man is also easily playable with Star-Lord but he really needs Reinforced Suit to maximize his uptime and I tend to prefer Ronin.

The remaining allies all cost 2. With 2 cost allies you can play an ally and a 1-cost card with a 5-card hand. The exception to this is Ant-Man as his cost is variable and flexible in case you want to spend your resources differently.

In a minion-heavy scenario, consider subbing out a chump blocker for Hawkeye. If facing lots of retaliate consider swapping either upgradeable ally for War Machine as he can still get every attachment, although if the villain has retaliate and lots of minions you can get clever in a minion-heavy scenario because Laser Blaster provides overkill and Power Gloves ping damage, both of which ignore retaliate on the villain.

Events: First Aid is included to make sure your allies stay alive, and Make the Call is used so you can always pull relevant allies from the discard or just increase your chances for a chump blocker. Rapid Response isn't included because allies that die with it will lose their attachments.

Supports: the only really needed one is Knowhere as it allows extra allies (more flexibility for chump blockers) and gives card draw when you play an ally, which can feed element guns or more attachments.

Upgrades: Laser Blaster, Power Gloves, and Inspired all provide extra damage, and Reinforced Suit gives some more HP to keep using allies. Sky Cycle was not included as it tends to burn out your Allies too quickly due to consequential damage.

3) Strategy:

When building up, only consider using "What could go wrong" on Iron Man, Ronin, Leader of the Guardians, Bad Boy or Element Gun.

Top priority cards are Iron Man, Ronin, Leader of the Guardians, and to a lesser extent Star-Lord's Helmet. You should be able to play most of these if they show up in the same hand because of Star-Lord's ability to reduce the cost. Worst-case scenario is Iron Man, Leader of the Guardians, and no other allies in a 5-card hand; in this case I've found it best to ditch Leader of the Guardians as you cannot use "What could go wrong" to lower the cost of an ally you play from Make the Call.

As mentioned earlier, I tend to play more conservatively, so don't expect huge hands from the helmet. Best case scenario for a 5-card hand most turns is to play is to play a 2-cost ally and a 1-cost upgrade or First Aid. If you have extra cards you can try to divide them out between Iron Man and Ronin fairly evenly. Leftover cards can be thrown into the Element Guns for more damage or to clear out Tough status cards.

Iron Man and Ronin should spend most of their time attacking. Since Laser Blaster hands out overkill, don't feel bad smacking around minions because none of their damage will be wasted. You can thwart with your hero and chump blockers exceptionally well after Leader of the Guardians hits the table.

Once your allies kitted out and your other supports and upgrades are on the table, you're playing with a 23-card deck, so feel free to combo Daring Escapes into Sliding Shots to finish out the game.