Spider-Man: Back In Black

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

dthz · 71

Way back in the 1980s, Spider-man first got his black costume from Battleworld. He found it in a machine after his old costume was battered and so decided to wear this funky new alien costume. It turned out that putting on a weird costume he found in an alien machine on an alien world wasn't the greatest idea as it was a living outfit.

Eventually, he learned that the costume was taking his body out for a spin while he was asleep and that was a sign that the creature was slowly bonding with him, turning into a host for an alien symbiote. Parker noped out of there faster than a dog out of a trap.

Since he took the black costume off, he and MJ always had an aversion to ever putting the costume back on. He did occasionally wear it but it wasn't until many years later, when Parker was in a particularly bad mood that he decided to don the black costume and go kick some ass...

This deck represents Spidey going full aggression and showing us that he can go toe to toe with the Hulk, when he puts his mind to it (which he actually did because the Hulk couldn't land a hit blow on him).

Now the first thing you should learn about Spider-man is that he is poor and some of his best cards are very expensive (Webbed Up is his best card). So he really needs to go and live at Avengers Mansion and use the Helicarrier to get around. His Web-Shooter and Enhanced Reflexes will also help by banking resources for future turns.

The three Uppercut cards can be traded out for Relentless Assault or Melee depending on which Enemy your fighting (for minion heavy decks, always go with Melee).

Swinging Web Kick is your bread and butter in this deck. That 8 damage for 3 resources is one of best ratios of cost / effect in the game.

Aunt May is his 3rd best card. Her soup is amazing and Spider-man can consequently get nursed back to health overnight and be back at almost full strength by the next turn. For 1 resources, you are going to want to hard mulligan for her.

Now let's not forget Spider-man's Amazing Friends: Black Cat, Tigra and Hulk.

Tigra and Black Cat are good friends because the latter can do 1 damage every round without incurring damage and the former does 2 with a heal if she knocks someone out. Thus the two of them can make short of any 3 health minion for free each round.

The Hulk is a tough call. He's cheap, can block for Spidey if he gets in trouble with a huge amount of health but moreover, he can hit like a truck if he needs to. The deck is based around and should give him a 50/50 chance of doing additional damage to an enemy. However, with the Hulk comes some unpredictability: he might just smash everyone or just decide he wants to be alone... so try and save him for an Enraged

Enraged is a good card in this deck because all the allies in this deck can utilise that +2 ATK twice. And for 1 resource, that's a good conversion rate. Hulk though... the Hulk gets 5 ATK which he can use 3 times (depending on whether decides just to $%@! off or not). First Aid gets an honourable mention here as it can get an extra use out of an Enraged Ally or just give Spidey some breathing room before he has to go home to Aunt May.

This deck has been tested a few times in multiplayer (never solo) and its solid. So get out there and kick some ass, Spider Fans.