Fastball Special (Wolverine Hero Team-Up) Con of Heroes 2025

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Doc7 · 9

This deck was built specifically to be paired with my partner (or 2 handed solo) playing Wolverine Aggression, deck link below. It was designed for Con of Heroes 2025 but is not built with any synergies for that event in mind, other than the use of Call for Backup which will only improve in a 4 player game which we usually do not play.

The Wolverine deck can be found here:

Colossus here is intending to voltron Shadowcat, and Call for Backup and 2 copies of Suit Up help ensure getting her very early. As of this posting, there are only 8 decks on MarvelCDB using Sidekick with Colossus; I see her abilities and think it would be really great in a multi-player game. So far in plays with this pair of heroes Shadowcat alone handled the main scheme thwarting, and Uncanny X-Force and Children of the Atom make her a side-scheme vacuum as well.

The synergies with the pair of heroes included splitting supports between the two to ensure neither player/hand would miss too many valuable support building on the first pass through the decks, and if Call for Backup is not in play Wolverine can put out Build Support.

Flipping down to alter-ego has felt rough in our 2 player games with other heroes and builds, but in this pair of decks the player flipping to alter-ego can activate Danger Room, so Colossus has a copy of Danger Room Training (typically priotized to Shadowcat) and Wolverine has Attack Training in his deck. Additionally, when either player is in alter-ego they can trigger the X-Mansion Wolverine laid out, keeping Shadowcat healthy or another ally/hero depending on the current game circumstances. Moira MacTaggert can be triggered by the Colossus player no matter what mode he is in, when either identity flips up.

Of course the thematic star of this show is Fastball Special. Shadowcat, the team's other allies, and Wolverine all worked to keep threat and minion's under control while Colossus built out, and a final turn big damage has looked something like this, though it is idealized but happened on our first play of this hero-pair.

Colossus in Alter-Ego w/ no toughs, in play are: Iron Will, Organic Steel, Deft Focus, Titanium Muscles.

Flip up w/ 6 cards, get a tough. Play Bulletproof Protector, discarding that tough, drawing a card due to Iron Will and getting 2 toughs. Made of Rage w/ Titanium Muscles in play lets Colossus ATK for 9. Playing Triage or Kid Omega using Titanium Muscles resource generation and readies Colossus with the Wolverine player's Utopia . Attack for another 9 with Made of Rage again. Steel Fist does another 5, and the Voltron Shadowcat and ally you played probably do another 4-6 ATK. Depending on resources, remembering Wolverine's The X-Jet you may play Fastball Special instead of, or in addition to Steel Fist, for what's probably 7 damage (3 from Colossus and 4 from Wolverine). That is 31 damage from the Colossus player looking for 4 cards and an ally from a thinned out deck w/ card draw included (Retaliate on the villain would help here too).

Wolverine with a Fastball special for another 7, a Lunging Strike for 8, and Slice and Dice for 6, and an ATK for 4 is throwing in another 25 damage, and another few damage from allies including one with Attack Training . There is lots of overkill in both of these hero turns, meaning even with guard minions we are getting a lot of this 50-60 final turn damage is going onto the villain.

The setups listed were with ideal card draws but I anticipate that these two heroes could easily get to 50 total damage in 2 turns rather than a single turn, if you're able to survive another villain phase or only flip him when you have the damage in hand at the beginning of the player phase, which has been our case in plays with these pairs so far.

I am really looking forward to hurling Fastball Specials and what appears to me under-utilized Shadowcat, who has exclusively done all of our main scheme thwarting in plays with these decks so far.


Mar 12, 2025 boomguy · 2676

Excited to see people thinking about the con and what they might bring already!