Pantherpool: Mulligans Forever!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Pantherpool: What am i doing 0 0 0 1.0
Pantherpool: Mulligans Forever! Revamp 0 0 0 1.0
Black Poolther, le roi des fous 3 3 0 1.0

VillainTheory · 27111

They say cats don't like water — but Panther loves the 'Pool.

No Wakanda Forevers in hand? Mulligan for them!

Want your Black Panther upgrades? Mulligan for them!

How You Like Meow?


  • Archetype: Turbo Draw
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Play Style: Build (accelerated by 'Pool)
  • Recommended Player Count: Any
  • Ideal Aspect Partner: Justice

Mulligan Priorities:

Setup Ability Choice:

Simple Guide to Success:

  1. Your 'Pool resources always give 3x value on Turn One! Mulligan for something good and spend, spend, spend!

  2. Use the Mulligan card to aggressively hunt down Wakanda Forevers and any upgrades you want.

  3. Prioritize Claws and Vibranium Suit. Use them to clear minions and heal, use your basic THW to keep threat in check.

  4. Vibranium Suit, Healing Factor and Tic-Tac-Toe all keep the 'Pool resources online. And by getting hit directly (and then healing), your Retaliate gets reliable use!

  5. Healing Factor is not a FORCED Response. If you need to be damaged to enable use of Vibranium Suit, don't heal with it.

  6. Black Panther AND Mulligan love resource sinks! Roll the dice on Plan B, spend cards on Blackout + Tic-Tac-Toe + Stick-To-Itiveness, THEN use Mulligan to draw back up to 5 cards. (If Plan B discards Mulligan— Well, you weren't playing 'Pool to be safe, were you...?)

  7. Quincarrier is amazing for consistent use of Tic-Tac-Toe, Blackout and/or Stick-To-Itiveness!

  8. Rock, Paper, Scissors loves your wilds in hand. Otherwise? Mental resources are by far your most common type, so an energy is your best bet! Please gamble responsibly.

  9. Tic-Tac-Toe is great to heal Snowguard for buckets of thwarting. Alternatiely, you can heal Lockjaw once for one extra use, or keep Machine Man alive for more resource sinkage.

  10. Shuri loves grabbing Blackout and Tic-Tac-ToeMulligan + mass card draw will quickly put them back in your deck for her!


Cards to Consider Swapping Out:

Da Bomb is a super fun way to end solo games and one heck of a resource sink, but not the most efficient and its burst damage loses some value in multiplayer. Consider swapping it with one of the cards below!

In solo, Not my Responsibility and Get in Front of Me! are also easily swapped out if you'd prefer something more reliable. They're fun and great when they work — but not the most consistent when alone.

Alternative Cards to Swap In:

  • Spider-Man (Miles Morales Basic): A classic staple of basic-heavy decks, and that 3-cost is perfect for a triple resource. Swapping him in will slightly increase the power of the deck in exchange for slightly decreasing the fun.

  • Cutupper: Good damage and stun for the cost but only really good for the villain and not so hot against steady/stalwart. With our crazy high healing it's only necessary against the heavier hitting villains or villains such as Sabretooth and Magneto who get additional benefits when they attack.

  • Ironheart: Likewise, thanks to all our crazy healing and our tempting Retaliate, we won't often need to chump block (especially from the mid game onwards) which means she loses value. But against the heaviest hitters, or in multiplayer to block for someone else? She's still incredibly good.

  • Helicarrier: Resources good. Helicarrier good. But due to how rich this deck already is, I would generally only recommend adding this in multiplayer to help others.

  • Headpool: Weak ATK villains mean you can have too much healing! Headpool's amplify icon fixes that and he provides great thwarting all the while. Just beware that, against heavy-hitters, it's probably not worth it.

  • Plot Convenience: Good for holding Mulligan and Da Bomb but, for 2-cost (3 effective resources), I don't think it has enough great targets here. BUT it gains tons of value in multiplayer since you can easily pay for anyone else's cards they put there, you can feed spare cards to others, or use it to pull off crazy cross-aspect combos!

  • Get Rage-y: Great with Nick Fury or Professor X, but aside from that, not useful here giving it a very limited window. With that said, with Plot Convenience and/or in multiplayer used on other players' allies, this thing is fantastic.

Good luck — and watch out for Dreadpool! (...Although Energy Daggers and Retaliate is great against him!)


Nov 22, 2023 SupremePhoen1x · 31

Surprised to not see the doubles in here, love the deck though!

Nov 22, 2023 VillainTheory · 27111

@SupremePhoen1x I preferred having more options to spend things on instead of more resources here, kinda similar to why I don't have Helicarrier in the build, but they could easily be swapped in over the non-Mulligan events and it would do great!

And thanks!

Nov 22, 2023 Man-is-Obsolete · 5023

Nice to see Black Panther get some Pool treatment. He and Domino will be fighting over who plays Rock Paper Scissors. Maybe the players themselves will have to play a real life game over it lol

Nov 22, 2023 Caldias · 1026

Man this is such a cool idea, love seeing BP get some new angles of play!

Nov 22, 2023 journeyman2 · 23416

Black Panther is not the first hero that came to mind for me when thinking of ‘Pool (or even the 10th!) but this does look good!

I came up with an idea for someone else’s BP-‘Pool deck that maybe would be good here? Atlas Bear + War/Rock-Paper-Scissors. Atlas Bear let’s you check before you War/RPS or just outright draw one of the many events in this deck (like Mulligan since she doesn’t turn it off). Then you can keep her healed with Tic-Tac-Toe, or even ready her for another draw/metagame with Get Rage-y! Plot Convenience can even hold Get Rage-y for turns when you play Nick/Prof or have Atlas Bear out etc.

I have yet to try BP-‘Pool but she seems on theme!

Nov 22, 2023 VillainTheory · 27111

@Man-is-Obsolete Haha! Now that you say that, I think they could have made a card that really makes people play RPS. I'd be up for settling it that way.

@Caldias Thanks! Same here! He's the first hero I ever played so I have a soft spot for him.

@journeyman2 I honestly didn't plan to put 'Pool on BP at all, I was browsing through random hero kits for ideas and it just clicked. And after playing it I never looked back!

I did actually look at Atlas Bear in combination with RPS, but RPS has actually been really consistent for me here already. The Atlas Bear + War combo is new to me, though. Very cool! Sounds perfect for Domino too.

Nov 22, 2023 journeyman2 · 23416

Yeah! I’m thinking it might even help get damage for Vibranium Suit, particularly on turns he starts in alter-ego from the confuse and of course it thins the deck. Pitch Lockjaw for 4, discard a Mulligan on top when you already have one in hand. Hitting Da Bomb off it would be crazyyyy.

Nov 23, 2023 mv2392 · 102

Love this deck! It really got my head rolling, do you think this could work with other characters? I was thinking Captain Marvel with her in built sinks may be a solid fit, but even characters like Starlord with his guns. Would Blade have a place as a cheap sink?

While the resources are a little anti synergistic with Bishops ability, is it too early to say Pool aspect with all these resource sinks and Mulligan are going to be his best aspect, and make him a true powerhouse? The 10-12 resource cards you have spoken of running for him in some videos would all have homes, and Muligan can help with really poor hands.

Super solid deck though which has really opened up the 'Pool aspect to me in a way I wasn't seeing it before. Great job as usual.

Nov 24, 2023 VillainTheory · 27111

@journeyman2 That's almost worth running just for the hilarity of launching Lockjaw at your enemies haha!

@mv2392 Absolutely regarding Captain Marvel! I think this "archetype" of sorts (focusing on Mulligan + lots of 'Pool upgrades) really suits anyone with lots of resources. I have a couple of other characters I'm working on similar builds for with great results - I might publish them here too or at least feature on a video.

Regarding Bishop, I'm hesitant to say best aspect without knowing all his cards etc, and I am still uncertain about how many resources he truly wants, buuuut it definitely looks good! Healing Factor and Plot Convenience also look great for him. Plus Dreadpool can just help him draw resources. Can't wait to try it!


Nov 25, 2023 wojciech · 8

I like when old hero runs on mew cards and mechanics. Nice job!

Nov 28, 2023 CapnWinky · 13

Missed opportunity to name this deck Pink Panther.

Nov 29, 2023 VillainTheory · 27111

@wojciech Thanks!

@CapnWinky It's a great name I completely missed. Totally using pink in the name of my next 'Pool deck now, at least!

Dec 24, 2023 Kenji · 15

How access the situation works in this deck? I don't really get it :)

Jun 27, 2024 Marctimmins89 · 292

I came here to ask the same question. Assess the Situation doesn't seem to do anything to support the Mulligan strategy.

Aug 17, 2024 VillainTheory · 27111

@Kenji``@Marctimmins89 Turns out I should check my comments more often! Assess the Situation is a flexible way to burn through our deck faster, whether to find more Wakanda Forevers or just set up faster.