The Long Cable of Justice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Telcontar · 424

A straightforward Justice deck for those wanting to try something different from the precon. Cable is a natural fit for Justice given that he wants to defeat player side schemes. Technovirus Purge is pretty much the first one to look for with his setup ability - thwart it quickly and Cable becomes a powerhouse.

One Way or Another is an easy pick for pulling out side schemes, along with Skilled Investigator, Overwatch and Multitasking. Turn the Tide provides some damage which Cable can struggle with until his Plasma Rifle is out and some side schemes are in the Victory display.

Good old Jessica Jones is given new life thanks to Player Side Schemes - she comes in alongside another old favourite, Nick Fury, and a newer one Professor X, both of whom make great targets for Call for Backup. Deft Focus and the new The Power of the Mind are included to pay for Cable's signature events.