Unpaid Intern

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet

ClassyRobot · 3972

Peter has been hard at work learning from Professor X over at the X-Mansion. His research results have so far been impressive.

This is quickly becoming one of my favorite decks to pull out with how oppressive it is in the late game and how quick it can set up. Most games end in solo with full health, a full board state, and no threat on the scheme.

Peter Parker Spidey excels in a few categories: - amazing defense, a fantastic alter ego support and ability, and phenomenal economy overall.

His two major weaknesses are his pretty awful threat management and minion clearing. This deck shores up both issues.

How? By letting the X-Men take care of that! With your plethora of resources on demand you’ll be able to have multiple X-Men students on the board thwarting for an often solid 3thw each. That frees your events up to focus on damage, and status effects.

Confuse let’s you abuse three things in this deck: your bonus resource in AE, Aunt May making you immortal and healing you up to basically full every time, and fantastic X-men supports like X-Mansion and Danger Room.

“What about steady villains?”

  • With Peter having a 6 card hero hand effectively it’s not a big deal at all. The tempo changes slightly with less access to the bonus Resource but it takes care of them all the same.

“What about Stalwart?”

  • The X-Men will be working overtime to thwart. Sub out Concussive Blow with some type of damage for low scheme villains, like Pivotal Moment or Haymaker. Yes I know…

  • Otherwise swap out for your thwart event of choice. Crisis Averted is a great idea for emergencies.

For minion management we get to usually free up our basic attack, due to aforementioned 8 freaking healing when swapping down (and back up again), Stealth Strike, and Bishop, who gets powered up super fast if minions are pressuring you.

Peter likes when people attack him. Bishop likes it when people attack Spider-Man. Bishop deleted several Master’s of Evil when playtesting against Klaw. Even without blasting with Bishop his thw is still fantastic while you charge up, with an ability to keep him topped up, or at least not die with X-Mansion. Banshee and Dazzler can tag in for good damage too. Don’t be too upset if you have to Swinging Web Kick a nasty minion in a pinch. You’ve got 3!

Early game is all about a crescendo of building up resource generators and supports while starting to get allies down. Using your AE resource to pay for a Web-Shooter gets it going really quickly. Best opening hands sees either Professor X or Dazzler hit the table, but you don’t need to hard mulligan to make it happen. Priorities are your resource generators and absolute must to play is Aunt May. With Forge here, you can even safely discard one of the X-Men supports in a pinch since you know you’ll get it back soon. Sometimes you can’t do it all so it’s nice to get a second chance with him.

Just remember you can only play Quincarrier in hero. You can only use the resources from Web-Shooter in hero, and you have to be in Alter Ego to play Ingenuity.

“Who else can use this type of deck?”

  • Venom with minor changes. His setup discard can slow down setting up the X-Men with not great luck.
  • Hulk. Yep. Although not as efficient as Peter in his studies, he can smash. He may need his own write up but swap out Stealth Strike for Limitless Stamina, Energy and Genius for Enhanced Physique and Down Time to start.
  • Captain America and Spider-Ham because it’s them.



May 14, 2023 Renna · 1

Confused on Passion for Justice, you're not running any thwart events, is it supposed to be the double resource?

May 14, 2023 IPDramon · 3

@ClassyRobot Uhm, is Peter even able to trigger Danger Room? He's not a Mutant, so from the card text I would assume that it doesn't work. That would make Danger Room a dead card for any hero that is not a Mutant.

May 14, 2023 ClassyRobot · 3972

Hey @Renna yes that’s supposed to be The Power of Justice…whoops

And @IPDramon Peter can play and use Danger Room and X-Mansion, the text just allows other alter ego’s who are mutants to trigger it too. There’s a Hall of Heroes ruling that clarifies that.