At baseline, this is 4 thwart + 6 damage for 4 ER which is great. However the kicker is he needs to get charged up by you getting attacked so you need to mitigate 3 attacks without Stuns. Since Justice isn't the best at doing that, it means your character kit or Allies have to do the majority of the heavy lifting. This puts him at his best when playing Colossus as he's built to take hits to the face.
I also like him with Rogue, as I just need a justice ally to stay on the board for a bunch of turns to trigger superpower adaptation. So he's perfect as he wants to sit around for a while building counters
· 1548
He fires up real fast in multi-player.
· 40
oops missed the "you"
· 40
Does he still get his counter if you defend with an ally or would it need to say "initiates an attack against you?"
· 38
I personally like him with Gambit and Scarlet Witch as well. Natural Agility with lots of counters + Guild Armor. Or even just G’s naturally high defense. Or have Rogue or Colossus defend the attack. Or any other number of tough allies. This opens Bishop’s usage up a lot. Then Scarlet needs a hex boot to make her tough and boom.
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