Med Lab party at Steve's apartment!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Thematic (Rise of the Red Skull) ft. Avengers (combo with Ha 0 0 0 1.0

theromeo3517 · 1929

There's a party at Cap's place, and all the Avengers are invited!

Captain America Dancing

You hear a lot of good things about Captain America, great stat line, easy way to re-ready, good hero events. But did you know the Steve Roger Alter-ego is also awesome?

This deck focuses on taking advantage of the new Med Lab support from Rogue's pack in combination with Steve's ability to play allies in alter-ego at a discount, combo'd with Avengers Tower

Party planning

Where is the party? at Steve's Apartment. You're gonna want this down for that extra card plus free healing every alter ego turn. Generally I won't start flipping every turn until this support is down.

It's an Avengers deck, so Mighty Avengers is important to get down early. This makes playing the signature Agent 13 a little awkward, as she takes away the team bonus. If she does show up to the party, let the villain take her out quickly so the party can get started again.

Avengers Tower and The Triskelion bump your ally limit up to 5 (6 counting Stinger), and get you a discount on Avengers coming in.

Command Team is there to give your allies extra swings when they are buffed up, and Honorary Avenger is there to put on Steve so you don't lose the team bonus when flipping.

Med Lab is where things get interesting. If a guest parties too hard and knocks themself out with consequential damage, Med Lab is there to keep them available to come back in. You can only reclaim the ally in alter-ego, but for Steve that's a good thing! Alter ego allies are cheaper. Steve's ability does target the first ally played in a round, however. So in multiplayer, have the first player request the Avengers Tower action first thing, so you can get that bonus!

Priority order for setup is:

The guest list

We want guests that are on theme (Avengers), but we also want guests who can take advantage of the Med Lab. For this reason, every ally included is able to knock themselves out with consequential damage with 2 basic actions. There are a few categories here:

The exciting entrance

Black Panther, Kaluu, Squirrel Girl, and White Tiger have good effects then they enter play. They are useful to have in the med lab to repeat these abilities more often. Black Panther in particular is excellent under med lab. He will cost only 2 Effective resources from under med lab in alter ego with avengers tower, and he can grab a combo piece if you need it. If not, he can grab Get Ready, ready himself and start swinging the same turn he comes out of med lab

The life of the party

Like any Avengers deck, the goal is to have a turn where you buff your allies like crazy, and have them activate multiple times. Goliath and Power Man are your heavy hitters. Fully buffed, Goliath can do 9 damage per swing, and power man can do 8. They are also useful while setting up for taking out a beefy minion

seat fillers

Stinger and Ant-Man are CHEAP. They are here to provide bodies for Strength In Numbers, and do a little emergency thwarting or damage if necessary

The grand finale

This party is here to set up a big turn. Ideally, you have 6 avengers on the table (7 counting cap), you play Strength In Numbers to draw 6 cards, Avengers Assemble! to re-ready everybody, and then as many Lead from the Fronts as you have available. Then swing as many times as possible with Get Ready, Command Team, and cap's own I can do this All Day ability. This should be more than enough damage to take out a full phase of a villain in 1 or 2 player.

The hangover

If the combo turn isn't enough to finish the game, it's not too hard to set it up again by rebuilding your allies. Med Lab makes it easy to get the important allies back out again after they do their job.

This deck has done pretty well in both solo and multiplayer in Expert mode. Here are some possible substitutions you might use to fit your play style:

  • Quincarrier can be useful if you find yourself running out of resources. You can use it to save cards in hand to use with I can do this All Day or Shield Toss
  • Blade. He's a cheap avenger! He can't go under med team though, because he doesn't deal consequential damage. Could be useful just for muscle though
  • Team-Building Exercise is like another avengers tower, although you can't play them both on the same ally, edit: you can play TBE and avengers tower together actually, but the issue is the TBE action is in conflict with the med lab action.
  • Hawkeye can self-KO in 2 and is cheap, if you need another space-filler ally.

Big thanks to @journeyman2 for helping to workshop and test the deck!

Let me know what tough scenarios you take down with this deck, or any cool tweaks you come up with! Happy Villain hunting!


Feb 27, 2023 VillainTheory · 27320

Looks great! Very powerful!

I'd be tempted to drop 2x Get Ready for a third Command Team and a The Power of Leadership, but I say that without having played it. I'm just a huge fan of Command Team over Get Ready in general!

Feb 27, 2023 theromeo3517 · 1929

@VillainTheory command team generally has better value you're right, however with med team and black panther, there's a lot of value in letter BP grab that get ready, and instantly ready himself! This lets you save those command teams for the big buff turns. That said I haven't tried dropping them. Let me know if you do and how it goes!

Feb 27, 2023 journeyman2 · 23845

Love it dawg!! Some notes in the write-up, Avengers Tower does stack with TBE! The problem is that TBE doesn’t work with Med Lab, hence the cut. Black Panther Med Lab to grab Get Ready or AA is so clutch. Even Ant-Man is playable for 1 off it! Such a fun deck and the interaction with Living Legend is huuuuge!!

Feb 27, 2023 Man-is-Obsolete · 5129

Excited to play a flipping Captain America deck lol

Great write up!

Feb 27, 2023 theromeo3517 · 1929

@journeyman2 ah! you're right! Put in an edit. I knew there was a reason it got cut but forgot the specifics

Feb 28, 2023 teamcanadahockey2002 · 8263

Doing this with the Web Warriors is pretty sick... if you can drop Web of Life and Destiny then you can recur SP//dr on his own accord and Otto Spider-Man using the Lab, plus he can ready a Super-Serum after you use it to pay for him. Plus when they leave you draw cards. They're essentially free allies at this point...