Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters presents: Peter Quill

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

theromeo3517 · 1929

Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters presents

Special guest lecturer Peter "Star Lord" Quill.

Peter Quill looking surprised

"Hey uh, kids... Today I'm hear to teach you how to punch guys and get paid for it!"

X-men + Guardians 4ever

The classic Boot Camp ally spam deck is back, but this time with all these cool X-men! Cycle the cheap ones in and out, and buff the expensive ones with attachments so they hit hard.

Footsoldiers, to the front lines

Angel, Angela, Ironheart, Magik, and Spider-Girl want to hop in, do a little damage or thwarting, then chump block out. The X-men among them can use an Attack Training and stick around longer if it happens in your hand, but they are mostly there to keep star-lord alive and minions dead. Once you get Leader of the Guardians out these guys become decent thwarters as well. Professor X is here to support and re-ready his students and help with the thwarting as well.

Commandos, grab your weapons

Dust, Wolverine and She-Hulk are the ones you want holding the Energy Spear and Sidearm. Buff Dust in minion heavy scenarios, She-Hulk for single target, and Wolverine always. Fully buffed with Boot Camp, Energy Spear, Sidearm, and Attack Training (not for you She hulk :() Wolverine will swing for 8, Dust can hit every minion for 6, and She-Hulk will hit for between 5 and 8 damage depending on her remaining health, all with ranged and piercing. Use First Aid to keep them on the table, and give Wolverine a turn off every now and then to heal himself up.

Nova prime... What you doing here?

Nova Prime is... fine I guess? You can get him up to 7 attack but to be honest I like the other heavy allies better. He's just so expensive and you can't The Power of Aggressionhim out.

Now you might be asking, how much does it cost? And the answer is: I Don't Care

His cost curve is kind of a mess when you look at it, but he's Star-Lard baybee. Take those encounter cards to get the expensive allies out. The sea of allies can handle it

Priorities: get your gear in um... gear

You want to get Knowhere out asap so you can draw extra cards. After that Leader of the Guardians to shore up your thwarting, Jet Boots to stay alive and Star-Lord's Helmet for card draw. Once you are set up to survive, put down the first Big ally you find and start beefing them up with upgrades.

In conclusion: you can do anything if you follow your dreams! Where did I park my spaceship?

This deck works in solo if you're patient and get some things set up and don't take risks with your hp before you go full Star-Lord mode and start drawing extra encounter cards. In multiplayer just go crazy, let the other nerds at the table deal with the extra encounters. What are they gonna do just let you die?

Edit: thanks to the folks on the MC discord for this cool combo: if you get another player to hit star lord with an Honorary X-Men, then you can play Angela, and then play Magik to delete the minion she brings in. Two allies for 3 effective resources + an encounter card!

Good luck, have fun, and let me know how this deck works for you, and if you have any fun substitutions!