Spider-Man can protect EVERYONE

Card draw simulator

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Novawyrm · 161

Spider-Man is great in protection, but the addition of some of the newer protection cards really take him to a new level. Please Note: This has only been tested as a multi-player build, I haven't tested it in solo.

Keys to the build: Hard to Ignore *3, Unflappable, and Armored Vest. You want to get these cards down as soon as possible. Once assembled, he converts a successful defense(meaning 0 damage) into a card draw and three threat off of the main scheme.


-Backflip is your best friend. Costs 0 and avoids all damage. Because it is a defense event using it counts as defending, triggering Hard to Ignore and Unflappable.

-Armored Vest bring your base DEF stat to 4, Only the strongest attacks will get through to damage Spider-Man.

-Energy Barrier Prevent 1 damage and reflect it back at the attacker. Extra barrier to preventing all damage.

Spider-Man protects his friends: Villain is now attacking your friends, don't worry Spider-Man can protect them too!

-Subdue Lower the villain's ATK by 3. If you prevent all damage you can trigger Hard to Ignore and Unflappable. Note: This card stacks, so you can play 2 and reduce the villains attack by 6. You can also play this on teammate's turn, it will reduce the attack but the target of the attack won't change. With a reduction of three your teammate should be able to shrug off any remaining damage.

-Desperate Defense Exhaust Spider-Man to defend for your friend. Desperate Defense adds 2 to your Def, so 5 base or 6 if you have Armored Vest in play. If you take no damage stand back up, and trigger Hard to Ignore and Unflappable if you haven't already. You are now ready for the next attack.

-Webbed Up - Don't sleep on this card. It can still prevent 1attack even on villains immune to stun.

Allies: These are your blockers too! I like to keep them as a last resort blocker.

Clea Best Defender cause you can shuffle her back into the deck after she chump blocks.

Spider-Man Need some extra THW or ATK? add 2 to his first activation.

Ironheart: Cheep chump blocker with a card draw!

Black Widow: Keep her around to cancel those encounter cards you REALLY want to skip. aka Shadows of the past.

Nova: He is expensive but with lots of cards you can trigger his special on every attack. It can add up quick. Possible ally trades Iron Fist, or Luke Cage

Black Cat: Use her 1 ATK with no consequential damage to drop toughs off of your enemies. Not a blocker unless you really need one. She makes a great target for ally upgrades if you have a teammate in leadership.

Eventually you will need to flip down to heal. Don't forget Aunt May makes the best cookies anywhere. Gets Peter Parker back in the fight quick. The Night Nurse is here not for her healing but removing those pesky stun and confuse cards. Don't forget she can be used to remove your teammate's status as well. Try to get her cycled in every deck shuffle to optimize her usefulness.

Use Quincarrier and Nerves of Steel to pay for your Defense events, keeping cards in your hand.

Now, you will need to do some damage as well. Don't worry this build has you covered:

Use Hard Knocks to kill off minions and give yourself a tough status card. Tough=Free Block Don't worry you can trigger Unflappable and Hard to Ignore when you Defend for your friends.

Don't forget Swinging Web Kick when it becomes time to burn down the villains hp.

I've taken this build thru MTS on standard, This is why there are no extra stun effects in this build as Thanos and (some) Loki can't be stunned. If you are playing against a villain that can be stunned swap in two copies of Never Back Down for one copy of Subdue and Desperate Defense each.

I hope you like my build. I was really impressed with how many times I could block damage for my teammates even in a three player game. This freed them up to keep the schemes under control and put the hurt on the villain.

Just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man protecting EVERYONE!!!!


Feb 02, 2022 antipop011 · 1

I don't think playing Subdue makes you the target (like playing Preemptive Strike or Side Step) because it's not a defense, it's just an interrupt. Could be wrong, but that's how I see it.

Feb 03, 2022 jonhutch01 · 1

From the Rules Reference 1.4.2 pg 11. Defend, Defense Term:

  • When a player resolves a triggered ability labeled as a defense—such as “Hero Interrupt (defense)”—that player’s identity becomes the defender and is considered to have defended the attack (they do not reduce the damage dealt by their DEF value). Unless specified by the ability’s text, a hero does not exhaust when using such an ability. The defending player may resolve any number of defense abilities during an enemy attack (as long as the triggering conditions of those abilities are met). Once a player resolves a defense ability during an enemy attack, no other player can resolve defense abilities for that same attack.

  • If a player defends against an enemy attack that targets a different player (either by defending with a character they control or by resolving a defense ability), the defending player becomes the new target of that attack.

Feb 04, 2022 antipop011 · 1

Thanks for copy/pasting the rules but that was not the point of my comment. Subdue is not a defense. It doesn't state it anywhere on the card. It's just an interrupt. It just reduces the ATK of the villain. It is protection card but that doesn't mean that it is automatically a defense card.

Feb 04, 2022 jonhutch01 · 1

Sorry, I mis-read your initial comment. Yes Subdue is not a defense card.

Feb 11, 2022 Novawyrm · 161

antipop11 you are correct Subdue isn't a defense card. I adjusted the text. Thank you for the catch. Still a great card to reduce incoming damage.