Avengers Assemble, Disassemble and Reassemble!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
SW Leadership - SCL Round 3 1 0 0 1.0

InigoMontoya · 4234

Deck Concept:


Make sure each round to have either an ally, a Magic Shield, or both ready to defend for Scarlet Witch. Your priorities for setup after that are:

  • 1) - The Sorcerer Supreme - This gets your deck moving. The 5 to 6 card jump is huge with so many high priced allies.

  • 2) - Scarlet Witch's Crest - It's still a Scarlet Witch deck, and getting her Crest makes such a difference with Hex Bolts, lowering villain attacks, and Molecular Decays.

  • 3) - Mighty Avengers - Since you'll be readying allies consistently, this can be a +3 or +4 difference in thwarting/attacking each round.

  • 4) - Command Team - The key to readying your allies, getting the most out of them and triggering Rapid Response.

  • 5) - Rapid Response - This is essential to keep Sneak Attacked allies to re-assemble on the board. They will have to be defeated by consequential damage first.

  • 6) - Avengers Tower - As much as you'll be putting in allies for free, you'll also want to pay for them, too. -1 to any cost, plus upping your ally limit will help.

How to Play

Possible Additions:

I originally had this as a 50 card deck. So, here are cards which I loved but didn't make the cut to 40:


This is how I've always envisioned Wanda to be. Conjuring chess pieces, only to have them disappear, then reappear suddenly. It plays fast, fun and surprising. Hope you like it!


Nov 14, 2021 TonyStark · 47

Discard =/= defeat. Many, many people make this mistake, but Rapid Response triggers off "defeat" and does not work with Nick Fury or Sneak Attack's "discard". (Same if running Go Down Swinging or Save the Day.)

Nov 14, 2021 InigoMontoya · 4234

@TonyStark Agreed. That's not what this deck is doin, though. I'm using Sneak Attack to bring in an ally. Then attacking twice (with Command Team) to defeat that Ally with consequential damage. Then bringing it back with Rapid Response. Sneak Attack shouldn't trigger since it's a new instance of that ally.

Nov 14, 2021 InigoMontoya · 4234

As I said in the write-up, Goliath, Power Man, Black Panther, Captain Marvel and Kaluu are the allies who can come in with Sneak Attack, attack, be readied, then attack again to go away with consequential damage. Nick Fury is not a candidate in this way.

However, using Sneak Attack on Nick Fury can work since it's the difference between him going away at the end of the round vs. end of phase. He just loses the possible villain block.

Nov 14, 2021 TonyStark · 47

Of course! Sorry if I missed that. Definitely the kind of deck I'm looking forward to trying once I get War Machine.

Nov 15, 2021 JohnnyDice · 1

Nick Fury doesn't share a trait with Wanda, so I don't think that Sneak Attack can target him.

Nov 15, 2021 InigoMontoya · 4234

@JohnnyDangerously You fargin sneaky bastige. You're right. Nick Fury does not. I'll adjust the write-up. Thank you!

Nov 15, 2021 LordVader13 · 3

I really like the look of this deck. I can't wait to pick up War Machine so I can give it a try! I do think that I may cut Nick and replace with an ally with the Avengers trait. Great job!

Nov 15, 2021 InigoMontoya · 4234

@LordVader13 Thanks! War Machine has been more fun than I thought. I generally don't like flip every other turn characters, but he's got a lot going on.

Totally get it with Nick Fury. I'd suggest White Tiger since he'll give at least 2 cards on expert, or Hawkeye since his 4 minion counters are wonderful, and he's amazing with Rapid Response.

Let me know how it works!

Nov 16, 2021 LordVader13 · 3

@InigoMontoya Yeah, I was thinking Hawkeye. I really enjoy his mechanics. But White Tiger would be a great option as well. You can never have enough cards in your hand LOL

Nov 16, 2021 Schmitty · 484

Hey! Thanks for linking my decklist. I absolutely love what you did here - using Black Panther to recur Summoning Spell is brilliant!

Scarlet Witch is so much fun in Leadership - it's what I'm playing in 4P MTS. The lack of Spiritual Meditation is surprising, and I'm not sure if Captain Marvel is a solid add. Nonetheless, I love this deck and am going to test it out!

Nov 16, 2021 InigoMontoya · 4234

@Schmitty Thanks, dude. I find it really tough to play a 40 card deck with Scarlet Witch. In order to get down to that number, I had to cut Spiritual Meditation and Assess the Situation out of the deck. They'd be my first adds to go up to 44 or 46 cards. I will say that it still plays fast at the 40 cards I have here, but the optimal racing speed is 44 or 46 cards with those additions. I just try to avoid decks above 40 cards here because I know people like the efficiency.

Captain Marvel is mainly there because she's a candidate for your Sneak Attack, attack twice with Command Team, then bring her back with Rapid Response trick. In a round, that's as much as twelve damage and a villain stun. I'll admit there's not enough in the deck to make it reliable, but I kept getting lucky with it in tests. So, I kept it there.

Hawkeye, White Tiger and Falcon are great replacements for her. Or just add in a Spiritual Meditation. :)