Captain America - Justice: locking up the villain

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

neothechosen · 10070

I haven't played this pairing much - Cap is so good with leadership, protection, and fares well with agression. He never really NEEDS the extra thwart of justice.

Still, justice is all the rage right now thanks to the cards from Scarlet Witch, so I thought I'd give it a try and play the new cards... most of which finally got cut.

The resulting deck, however, feels like a cage for the villain: eventually he has no options left and can't get anything done. So far it beat the 5 first scenarios (Rhino, Klaw, Ultron, both Goblins) on expert, all of them being far behind in their scheming.

A few thoughts on the new cards

The original intent was to use the newest cards, but eventually I found they weren't suited to this deck:

Swift Retribution intrigued me at first. After all, you can make up for it easily with this deck. But the thruth is, as CAP, you can attack twice with "I can do this all day" spending only 1 card, for the same 4 DMG. And Swift Retribution ended up not being played at all. Multitasking, also, is very much situationnal, and CAP can already thwart 4 among 2 schemes with "I can do this all day". Crisis Averted is pretty good, but costly. I ended up using For Justice! instead, which is often paid in full with a single The Power of Justice... I feel like it's more than enough for what the deck needs.

I originally had Speed and Wiccan in here, but ended up with Spider-Man over Speed and Quake over Wiccan. They help a lot with DMG, namely on minions.

Of course Turn the Tide is amazing and often played the role of minion remover as CAP did the thwarting.

The plan

Keep firm control over the scheme and put most every upgrade and support in play, thinning out your deck. CAP has amazing THW capabilities on his own, and can also defend nicely.

Once it is done, the villain faces a scheme that's tough to get done (Under Surveillance), a hero that can nullify his best move (Spycraft), thwart for 3 (Heroic Intuition) TWICE a turn, prevent threaths (Counterintelligence), STUN him (Heroic Strike), CONFUSE him (Concussive Blow) and fill the board with allies at an amazing rate (thanks "Living Legend").

Use Nick Fury, Avengers Mansion, Steve's Apartment and Clear the Area to draw cards and cycle your deck. Don't be afraid to revert to AE in order to play cheaper allies.


It all combines to let you play A LOT of Heroic Strike / Concussive Blow, negating the villain's turn, as well as keeping threath levels very low.

Klaw and Ultron got beaten up with only 1 threath on their first stage when the game ended, while I was almost full life with a board full of allies and utilities.

Mutagen was more of a challenge, but OMG was it satisfying to clear 4 minions with a Shield Toss before thwarting 8 threaths (thx Heroic Intuition and Fearless Determination!)

So far pretty fun, I'd say I finally got a decent deck going for CAP with the justice aspect.