Substitute Teacher

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

corbintm · 1841

Pledge of Allegiance

Move over, Professor X. There's a new teacher in town.

It's time for Captain America to step up and fight for mutant rights, leading his own team of X-Men.

(Before you ask, yes it's legal to both play and use Danger Room as any alter-ego because having the mutant trait is not a cost. The last sentence just allows other mutant alter-ego players on the table to take advantage of this).


Oh no! It's time for a pop-quiz!

1.Which basic power is Captain America encouraged to use the most?

  • A) Attack
  • B) Thwart
  • C) Defend
  • D) None of the above

C! Captain America wants to defend, with this being his highest stat and having retaliate.

2.Why is Captain America great in ally heavy builds?

  • A) Living Legend allows for ally discounts
  • B) Captain America's Shield encourages defending rather than chump blocking
  • C) "I Can Do This All Day!" makes it much easier to justify using your basic defense if you need to
  • D) All of the above

D! All of the above help encourage ally heavy builds.

3.Excluding trait cheating, which alter-ego has the most permanent resource generators available to use?

B! Every character aside from Captain America here has their resource generators limited to hero form.

Now that we've caught up on the basics, let's move on.

Lesson Plan (Deck Strategy)

The X-Men justice allies are fairly underrated, primarily because of some high cost and niche uses. Most of them can find a home away from home nicely under Captain America 's teaching.

This deck focuses on confuse-locking the villain and utilizing Float Like a Butterfly to steadily chip away at the villain. This centers around flipping regularly to take advantage of the ally discount from Living Legend as well as key alter-ego supports. You'll cycle these allies rather than keeping them alive (mostly) so you can continuously get them in play for cheap and get Training upgrades on them.

Roll Call

We've got a rambunctious group of students. With the proper leadership, their teamwork is unmatched.

  • Banshee isn't our strongest student but he helps keep distractions under control
  • Bishop is happy to watch his teacher take hit after hit, but he shows his true colors when it counts
  • Chamber is one of those students that runs with the crowd, working best when everyone else is too
  • I'm not sure who let Cypher in here, but he fits in well and is happy to help with some card draw
  • Dazzler is a fine student, mostly because she helps other students function better
  • Husk is the teacher's pet, getting more attention than all of the other students and shining as a result

Our students are at their best with the proper training, and the best way to train isn't always on the battlefield.

Excused Absence

You have a lot of different ways to pop a confuse on the villain to get to alter-ego.

Once you're there, utilize Living Legend to get your allies on the battlefield quickly and Danger Room to get Training upgrades on them for free.

Because you're taking hits, remember to use Steve's Apartment to heal up!

What if you have a bunch of unspent resources in alter-ego? Our top student can help mitigate that.

Make-Up Exam

This is a pretty simple deck and most cards are pretty straightforward. There are only a few that you could experiment with.

  • Chance Encounter was considered to loop key allies but with such a lack of focus on side schemes, it wasn't nearly reliable enough to maintain a spot
  • Other X-Men justice allies Marvel Girl and Blindfold didn't synergize with the overall strategy and basic allies didn't work with The Power of Justice
  • Upside the Head is actually worse than Concussive Blow here.
    • Requires a ready and an attack on the villain, removing versatility
    • If the attack is successful, you're dealing 2 damage
    • If you need to ready (which you often will need), you're discarding a card to ready and then spending a resource to play the card - this is 3 ER for 2 damage and a confuse compared to 3 ER for 3 damage and a confuse
  • Utopia was interesting thematically but then I needed to justify Forge and it would still whiff early game. Better off to keep things simpler

Report Card

^ "Some of my best friends are people"

Truly an all time quote

I've found this really fun, though it is a bit slower than many Captain America decks. That said, I think it's one of the more unique hooks he has and offers a fun way to revisit an older hero. Let me know if you check it out!


Oct 20, 2024 tjjj · 245

You can't play danger room as Captain America you idiot~

Oct 20, 2024 mv2392 · 102

Pretty sure he can, there's nothing in the text blocking it. He couldn't play cerebro, however. The additional text at the bottom just allows other characters to activate the response, which is super fun amd thematic, just as most the X-men cards, they can be used by other mutants/X-men.

Oct 20, 2024 boothwah · 87

Cool deck.

Danger room has an inclusive clause, allowing other players to use the action if criteria is met. You're fine.

I'm sure first commentor hadn't had their coffee yet.

Oct 20, 2024 curiousavocado · 1

@tjjj I think there’s a more constructive way to phrase this without being rude.

As for Danger Room Training, there is nothing explicitly on the card that prevents a hero without the Mutant trait from playing the card from hand. The Mutant trait just allows any other player with the trait to trigger the effect during their turn.

OP this looks like an interesting deck and a great way to get an older hero involved! Can’t wait to try it!!

Oct 20, 2024 dr00 · 44360

this deck doesn't even have wolverine in it 0/10~

Oct 20, 2024 corbintm · 1841

Please excuse the neanderthal @tjjj - he cannot read!

Oct 21, 2024 Dansome · 1

@tjjj You must feel like an idiot after being wrong.

Love the deck!

Oct 21, 2024 tjjj · 245

Relax everyone, @corbintm is my boy and he knows I was making a joke. It's literally part of his lead in so I thought it would be obvious.

I'll do all caps next time instead of just a ~

Oct 21, 2024 Dansome · 1

@tjjj You must have made me feel like an idiot after me being wrong about your tone.

Love the deck!

Oct 21, 2024 dr00 · 44360

@tjjj just waiting for all the comments that come later without seeing your explanation lmao