The Magic Touch

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

HeroicSkeleton · 394

Any Platters fans out there? My mom used to play it in the car when I was a kid.

Anyway, here's the deck!

So a rogue and a warlock walk into a tavern...

Adam Warlock is a fantastic voltron hero. He can mill through the deck until you find your ally, and use Quantum Magic if it ends up discarded. Plus you can pull all of the best ally support cards from each aspect. This deck is using Warlocks many talents to juice up Rogue and set her loose on whatever poor soul, I mean villain, stands in her way.

You Got the Touch!

Once Rogue is in play, she's gonna need a target to absorb. Good thing we can grab allies from every aspect! For this, the main targets are Hulk and Wonder Man. Both of them have a premium attack stat of 3, with the low play cost of 2. As a bonus, they each have an undesirable effect when they attack, which Rogue completely bypasses!

Good secondary targets are Caliban, Nightcrawler, and Starhawk. That last one actually has a neat combo where you can attack with him, then target him with Rogue. This defeats him with exact damage, triggering his ability to return him to your hand. This combo was showcased in this storm deck by teamcanadahockey2002. It uses Thunderstorm to squeeze out some extra damage from Starhawk, and this deck does a fantastic interpretation of that with Boot Camp.

You Got the Power!

Along with having allies, Rogue is going to want some upgrades. With a training upgrade + Team Training, she can have 7 health, and swinging for up to 9 damage or 6 thwart. Keep her health up with battlemage or Med Team and get extra attacks in with Command Team. Keep in mind that she can only have 1 training upgrade equipped, so you have to choose between Protective Training and Mission Training. If she touches Adam, Rogue can also become a Guardian, and equip the Energy Spear.

Final Notes

Adam can safely just defend each turn while you get Rogue set up. Usually by the time his health is low, you are ready to use Soul World anyway. Otherwise, just use events for thwart and damage as needed.

A few cards that can be easily swapped out are Caliban, Team Training, Chance Encounter, and Skilled Investigator. I like Caliban as a tutor for Rogue, but you can accomplish that easily with Make the Call, or especially in multiplayer, Call for Backup. Other options include Reinforced Suit and Clarity of Purpose. So many choices for blue, but so little room! I tend to use Skilled Investigator and Chance Encounter for battlemage more often or not, but you could safely change them for whatever yellow cards you'd like, Determination for example. Generation X would be a solid choice in multiplayer.

And yes, my childhood was also heavily influenced by that one Transformers movie