Warkandan Fortune

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Castlefrank47 · 512

Nightcrawler brought some great protection cards and this deck is centered around a couple of them as well as Warpath.

Warpath has the unique ability to allows you to play a hero action card during the villain phase after he defends an attack. Black panthers way of using his upgrades is Wakanda Forever! which just so happens to be a hero action. What we're aiming to do here is combine the new Change of Fortune with Warpath to play wakanda forever in the villain phase to defeat enemies and draw more cards.

To set up we need Warpath, change of Fortune and a couple of BPs upgrades. I usually go for Tactical Genius Panther Claws and Vibranium Suit in that order.

Once we have Warpath out, we can utilize Muster Courage to give toughs out to him which allows him to defend without taking damage. Hangar Bay will ready him when he doesn't take damage allowing him to attack/thwart during the hero phase. Med Team is used to keep him healed up and on the board.

Other ways of defeating enemies during the villain phase are BP having retaliate which we supplement with Electrostatic Armor to give him retaliate 2 and we also have Nova who can deal 2 damage to an enemy if you spend an energy resource when they initiate an attack. That combined with BPs retaliate can take out most minions. Under control can be put on a minion and when BP defends against them without taking damage, that will deal 4 damage to them.

Iron Fist is in here just to deal some extra damage and provide a stun while we're getting set up.

Brother Voodoo is great for his thwart and grabbing an event.

"Come Get Me, Bub!" is our minion farmer allowing us to power our strategy.

Indomitable allows us to ready after we defend.

Build Support can grab Quincarrier which just allows us another resource.

So far this deck has been a ton of fun, being able to defeat minions or a villain stage during the villain phase is really satisfying especially combined with change of Fortune. You'll still end up with a 5 card hand in hero phase allowing you to not feel like you don't have much to do during the hero phase.

I'd love to hear any feedback!


Sep 21, 2024 dr00 · 43738

so much retaliate. have you tried Dauntless + Symbiote Suit and/or Endurance for more retaliate? also Energy Barrier and Side Step seem great for this strategy

i love that you have Nova and Warpath though. i'm currently testing a list in an entirely different hero, but definitely looking at these two cards for it!

Sep 21, 2024 Castlefrank47 · 512

@dr00 No I haven't tried that I really wanted to go the Warpath route and the best/easiest way to get more use out of him was handing out toughs in my opinion.

I absolutely love you're direction tho and I'd love to see that deck if/when you post it. I'm a sucker for retaliate decks.

I really appreciate you checking it out!

Sep 21, 2024 TheMaskedHero · 87

A deck with Muster Courage in it? Sign me up! This is the exact kind of thing I was hoping to find after looking through Nightcrawler yesterday.

Sep 21, 2024 Castlefrank47 · 512

@TheMaskedHero glad to hear it, hope it works well for you!