My Black Panther x Agent 13 Fanfiction

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
S.H.L.E.A.D.E.R. 93 75 16 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

MattyKaye · 1

So this was a deck that really helped me enjoy Black Panther again, and when D20 Woodworking managed to win a game with it against Expert Drang (even though he didn't build out the deck's primary engine) I think it's a good chance to share it amongst other players.

Of course, I'd be remiss to ignore the main inspiration of this deck, which is ClassyRobot's SHLEADER deck for Hawkeye.

So just to go through the cards here: The spine of the deck is Agent 13, Inspiring Presence, and Helicarrier. This allows for multiple uses of the Helicarrier after Agent 13 thwarts or attacks, which helps in either building out the Black Panther suit, playing allies or playing Wakanda Forever! multiple times.

United We Stand is another source of healing, not just for future uses of Agent 13 but for Black Panther to stay healthy. Innovation is also another source of healing for Agent 13.

Most of the other allies in the deck are there to draw cards and chump block. The exception is Lockjaw, who is there in case your hand is clogged with too many double resource cards without sufficient targets to pay for with said doubles. Avengers Mansion is also there to break out of said hand clogs.

The Player Side Schemes are just there to help you bring out Agent 13 the Helicarrier, and a Black Panther upgrade. They do become superfluous once they are all in play, but Call for Backup is a nice avenue to bring out other allies like Nick Fury that can draw cards once they enter play.

I have 3 copies of Rapid Response just to make sure that Shuri can remain busy even if the Black Panther upgrades are all out. And Rapid Response can really synergise with allies like Nick Fury, Maria Hill, or even Shuri herself (who can do a limited imitation of the Agent Coulson/Rapid Response combo).

Clarity of Purpose is a strong card all around, but I put it there to make sure that the Vibranium Suit could remain active. And it pays for other cards, which is always useful.

Besides hand clogs, the other key weakness of this deck lies in the lack of status cards. Because of this, The Golden City and Ancestral Knowledge won't be used to the fullest here since there is not reliable avenue to flip down and take advantage of both.