You're Too Slow!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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None. Self-made deck here.
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ClassyRobot · 5355

My favorite aspect for Pietro has always been Protection, but my biggest issue with it is that the speedster is pretty slow to set up. This deck fixes that. Zip around the battlefield while taunting the villain and speedrun getting set up.

Quicksilver and Taunt are a perfect match for thematic and gameplay reasons. Quicksilver doesn't mind getting attacked on his turn since he gets a free ready each phase, which can be used to Defend. Early game the tradeoff is hugely in your favor as deciding 3 cards over your not built-up stats is a no brainer. Late game it still is a fairly easy decision to do it, as you'll have a much higher chance to pull your combo pieces all together.

Quicksilver can play Taunt for free with Friction Resistance out. Late game you get to decide if it's worth defending that attack... maybe you haven't triggered Unflappable or Hard to Ignore yet. Maybe a few Counter-Punches are in hand or you want to make the villain phase easier by triggering a Never Back Down.

On the other hand...maybe you decide to face tank that hit, which preserves all your readies while giving you 3 extra cards AND ensures you can use What Doesn't Kill Me.

Brother Voodoo is there to tutor in Taunt, Starhawk is there to be an emergency way to pay for Taunt, and Professor X is there to Taunt Quicksilver's dad.

Priority Upgrades are your defense boosters to make sure you don't just immediately die, so look for Armored Vest and Accelerated Reflex. Friction Resistance is as always the GOAT so if you can afford to play it, do that. Superpower Training is included specifically for Friction Resistance but even if that's down you have your other 3 upgrades to cheat in.

Specialized Training is another amazing card for Pietro. Picking extra thwart, attack, defense? You can't go wrong. Attack and Defense are my go to's, with Defense Specialist usually being the safe pick in multiplayer.

Other than that? Do what Quicksilver does best. Taunt


Dec 05, 2023 teamcanadahockey2002 · 8263

I know that it does lead to dead cards later, but I've always favoured Armored Vest x3 with QS just to get it out ASAP.

Dec 05, 2023 ClassyRobot · 5355

Hey it leads to faster def increases so it’s not bad! I think I would just add in the 2 more copies and bump up to 42 rather than replace anything for that. If you want more defense Judoka Skill is also a great get early on and still be on board with Armored Vest. Thanks for checking this out @teamcanadahockey2002!

Dec 05, 2023 Pickles · 32

For solo I don't think you need 3 Hard to Ignore so one of those could be another vest; in MP you could give it away. I'm deeply skeptical of Taunt, and Counterpunch for that matter but I tried this and it worked well with Taunt and Friction Resistance in the opening hand!

Dec 05, 2023 ClassyRobot · 5355

Glad to hear it worked well for you @Pickles! I'm a firm believer of in Counter-Punch, especially for Maximum Velocity turns. Subbing it out for Not Today! or Desperate Defense would be solid I think. Desperate Defense may look weird but it doesn't end up using your ready that turn and you end up neutral on your hand size, letting you cycle further.