Black Widow Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Neokarasu · 81

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. cards work well with Black Widow's kit. Safe House #29 is an eligible target for Agent 13 and Agent Coulson is pretty much an auto-include in all Widow decks. Nick Fury and Mockingbird are generally good cards and they also happen to be S.H.I.E.L.D. cards.

One of the strengths of the S.H.I.E.L.D. cards are their supports. They provide a lot of extra resources so playing a 5 cost card like Dum Dum Dugan can be feasible. Field Agent is especially nice to keep Agent 13 around as long as possible. Speaking of Agent 13, her primary target is Helicarrier. Note that if you use Helicarrier, you can use Agent 13 to ready Helicarrier and then use it again before you play a card and get 2 cost reduction because Helicarrier's Action doesn't make you play a card immediately like Government Liaison. You can even stack 2 Helicarrier activations with a Liaison activation to play a S.H.I.E.L.D. card at 3 cost reduction.

The other S.H.I.E.L.D. card of note is Global Logistics. Black Widow's preparations can benefit immensely from knowing the order of the encounter deck. That way you can always make sure to get the maximum value out of Attacrobatics and Grappling Hook. It is also a nice way to keep the coast clear before going to Alter-Ego, which is something you want to do often to take advantage of Mission Prep and Safe House #29.

To top it off, the deck includes Professor X, Counterintelligence, One Way or Another. Prof X is an improved Covert Ops since he negates 2 activations instead of just one. Counterintelligence provides a buffer when going to Alter-Ego and is also a Preparation so it's better than Under Surveillance. And One Way or Another is just a solid card draw option for a deck that can remove a lot of threat.


  • Mulligan: look for Helicarrier, Government Liaison, and Safe House #29. This deck isn't heavily invested into Preparations so Black Widow's Gauntlet is lower priority. Safe House is still nice because you can use the Preparation as a resource.
  • Early Game: setup your supports and allies. If you get Synth-Suit out early, you want to use Widow's activations to defend.
  • Midgame: once you have Helicarrier + Agent 13 + Field Agent setup, you should be able to play multiple things every turn and one of the best use of that is to continually recur Grappling Hook and Attacrobatics with Safe House while keeping the villain confused with Professor X and Covert Ops. Sky-Destroyer is another great target for Agent 13 if you're able to play everything without using a 2nd Helicarrier.
  • Endgame: once everything is setup, it should be fairly easy to close out the game with Dum Dum Dugan. All of the chip damage from Widowmaker and Attacrobatics will add up and the villain should be halfway done before you even start swinging for big damage.

Cards not included

  • Homeland Intervention: this deck shouldn't have any issues removing threat and so it's opting for Global Logistics instead since that effect is not available often.
  • Spycraft/Espionage: since this deck is opting to focus on S.H.I.E.L.D. cards, there are only so many spots available for additional Preparation and Counterintelligence provides another effect that is not commonly available.
  • Monica Chang and Surveillance Team: I think these cards are not that strong and would be wasted deck space. Also as mentioned previously, this deck shouldn't have any issues removing threat.