Wolverine Second Wind

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

KakitaJamie · 327

LCG Discord Card Spotlight


Goal to build a deck that features the current spotlit card: Second Wind

Who better tp guarantee taking damage than Wolverine.



This deck is not built for dealing with Threat. This deck serves as Damage, Healing and Tanking. In Alternate Considerations below I point out the cards I'd put in for Threat removal.


Wolverine's Claws + Specific Attack Cards. Heal the damage taken from the Wolverine's Claws. Repeat. Not much to note here, as Wolverine's base Attack package is among the strongest in the game.


Get Berserker Frenzy into play as a top priority. Attacks that come at you are commonly best taken to draw cards. Then with the extra draw fishes you to your Second Wind to heal up big chunks along with his innate ability. Goal being to never go down to AE and keep Berserker Frenzy up. Preference is to save your exhaust to ATK or THW. DEF should likely be saved to help team-mates when you don't have another option to help them. Of course use your best judgment.

REMEMBER Berserker Frenzy can activate multiple times per phase, so 1 ATK minions aren't bad to just keep around.


The primary goal of the Tough allies is to block for your teammates. However, even this deck likely can't take hits like that forever. So there will be some occasions where you might just have to have one defend for you.

The sucky part about Tough allies though is if you want to use the Tough for a defense, you don't get to use them the turn you play them. Then after they defend, you don't get to use them that turn to get them closer to the 1 HP for another defend. Insert Hangar Bay, so you can ready your Tough allies after they defend with their tough.

Mutant Protectors was added to the deck for some additional defensive tricks and cheating into play. This card works great with Tough allies.

If Med Team isn't healing you, it can add some extra activations to your allies or even more likely your teammates allies.


Lastly, remember all of your Protection based healing can also be targeted at your teammates.

IMPORTANT note, remember The Night Nurse will discard Tough status if that is the only status card on the Hero.


Mutant Protectors, Professor X, Angel, Nightcrawler - These are nice to haves but not essential to the decks function. I just like the thematic of X-men team synergy.


Bait and Switch & What Doesn't Kill Me - If I wanted/needed threat removal these are the cards I would go to for that. Bait and Switch works well with all of the Healing in the deck and the Tough Ally/Hangar Bay combination. What Doesn't Kill Me with Wolverine's 2 THW can get side schemes in range of Track by Scent.

Luke Cage, Charlie-27, War Machine - More Tough allies. If I were to drop the Mutant Protectors, then these would have been includes over some of the X-men allies.

Rockslide - Works really well with the Mutant Protectors but I don't feel I'd play him out at cost over the other allies.