Solo Spider-Man Aggression (WC Heroic 1)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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KingOfRohan · 4916

Took down the Wrecking Crew solo Heroic 1!

Quincarrier: Great for triggering Drop Kick's stun and card draw.

Avengers Mansion: More of a wish-list item for getting out, but it's resource allows Black Cat to draw it, and the extra card draw opens up your possibilities.

Combat Training: Great for bumping Spider-Man into minion-killing territory. Great target for The Power of Aggression.

Helicarrier: Great for triggering Drop Kick, either spent as a resource or reducing its cost.

Mockingbird: Triggers Drop Kick, and the stun means you could likely use Drop Kick to stun, play Toe to Toe, then play Mockingbird to stun again.

Nick Fury: Great card draw opening more possibilities, great threat removal, and great blocker (especially since you will be triggering extra attacks with Toe To Toe). You can play Nick Fury, draw 3 cards, thwart with Nick Fury, play Toe To Toe, block with Nick Fury, and switch to alter-ego without having lost out on Nick Fury's block.

Tigra: Fixes Spider-Man's minion problem.

"You'll Pay for That!": Often spent as a simple resource, but comes in clutch when it's needed for that huge threat removal.

Brawn: Amazing help for Spider-Man, pinging minions and keeping down threat, then ending as a block. Also a great block versus a villain's overkill when absolutely needed.

Drop Kick: So much synergy in Spider-Man. Triggering the card draw and stun with physical resources is a key priority every turn. Don't forget the point of resources from Quincarrier and Web-Shooters is to use to them as resources to trigger Drop Kick! Plan carefully whether to use Toe To Toe and take the hit when you need the card draw, then play Drop Kick for the stun, or go the other way around to make Drop Kick stymie the villain attack from Toe To Toe.

Martial Prowess: Best for Drop Kick but also great for Toe To Toe and Swinging Web Kick!

Sentry: Great again for threat or minion removal, two areas of challenge for Spider-Man.

Toe to Toe: The star of the show! Amazing synergy with Spider-Man's Spider Sense card draw or else all of his stunning/blocking in the form of Drop Kick, Mockingbird, Nick Fury, and Webbed Up. Allows you to use "You'll Pay for That!" and Backflip in the hero phase. The villain's attack is on your terms, without a follow-up encounter card, so you can confidently take damage then flip to alter-ego and heal with Aunt May. The possibilities opened by Toe To Toe are mind-blowing and it's your task to explore and enjoy them.

Lockjaw: Another resource for triggering Drop Kick, and a great use of resources when you're stuck without anything to use them on. Also a great blocker or source of threat removal in a pinch.

Endurance: Clutch synergy with Aunt May, allowing you a bigger (safer) window to take advantage of Aunt May's potential 8 healing when you flip to alter-ego (since you only have to be at 5 health or less to take advantage of the full 8 healing, versus normally needing to be at 2 or 1 health).