Black Widow Always Prepared for Justice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Black Widow Draw 'Justice' Power by Methos 1 1 0 4.0
Inspiration for
Black Widow shield 1 1 0 1.0

Methos · 340

At Some Point, We All Have To Choose Between What The World Wants You To Be And Who You Are.” - Black Widow: Black Widow

Everything is in Mission Preparation mode. I love playing Black Widow. Her mechanics are cool and exciting to execute.

With this deck, you will spend a lot of time in your Alter-Ego form. Hense why Crew Quarters and Agent 13 are included. Even if you flip to Natasha Romanoff after you have used one of Black Widow's basic powers, you can heal, and you can re-ready Safe House #29 allowing you to add two PREPARATION cards from your discard pile to your hand.

Being in Alter-Ego is no problem at all as the Thwart power of the deck is ridiculous. Counterintelligence will more often than not leave the Villain with Scheming for close to 0. On top of that, you can play Covert Ops even in Alter-Ego. Your Allies will take care of the rest of the threats (if there is any left) and will deal some damage to the bad guy. On top of that, Agent 13 will allow you to play Safe House #29 twice in one turn, getting all the Prep cards you will need from your discard pile. As caviar, With this deck built I have always played Winter Soldier for free.

While you are in Hero form, thanks to Widowmaker you will do a lot of damage to the Villain over time. Attacrobatics, Spycraft, Widow's Bite, Spycraft and Target Acquired are all cards you can activate during the Villain phase, and some of them multiple times. Each Preparation card activation will deal 1 damage to an enemy, and you will be activating loads of them each phase.

Also, once you have Synth-Suit on the board, don't forget to defence against the Villain's attack, as triggering any of the prep cards will allow you to ready Black Widow and you will take 3 less damage for this attack (4 with Symbiote Suit).

Symbiote Suit is great in this deck because; 1st - combined with Synth-Suit will give you 4 DEF in total. 2nd - extra hand size allow you to play more Prep cards. 3rd - you have 5 cards in the deck to help you get rid of/or change the treachery card (Grappling Hook and Spycraft).

Once you have all 10 permanent Upgrades and Supports on the board, you will enjoy a smooth journey to your win.

Side note

The deck has only 10 permanent Upgrades and Supports, which means you are cycling through 30 cards after set-up. Combining Avengers Mansion, Espionage, Symbiote Suit and Mission Prep makes the draw-power of the deck really big. But if you want a slimmer deck to play with, you can exchange 1 copy of Spycraft and 2 copies of Counterintelligence for Endurance, Down Time and Team-Building Exercise bringing the recycling cards down to 27.


Dec 29, 2022 mv2392 · 102

I'm going to run Black Widow for the next campaign we run through. My son picked War Machine Justice this game so stole too many good cards. Looks like a good basis for what I'm thinking of running. Thanks.

Dec 30, 2022 Methos · 340

@mv2392 I hope you enjoy it. Please let me know how it goes.