Master of Regeneration

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Rovall · 159

Master of Regeneration

"If you accept the pain, it can not hurt you" - Wolverine

So i have been expermimenting with a Wolverine Justice deck, because its my favorite aspect and so far i have not seen an interesting justice deck for him.

My primary goal was to make it feel as Wolverin-y as possible. So this deck is about dealing damage, taking damage and regenerating in an instant.


DIRECT REGENERATION (healing damage):

With 2 x Regenerative Healing and 3 x Making an Entrance together with the basline healing of 2 from Wolverine, there are plenty of ways to heal damage in hero form, making you a great facetank that doesnt need to exaust to defend. If you should take really to much damage in one round, instead of dying simply say: "I Got Better", although you wont need this card in most circumstances.

With Wolverines great baseline stats, with Heroic Intuition and Making an Entrance, you get 5 threat removal and 2 healing, and if you have 2 Making an Entrance in your hand, you get up to 7 threat removal (best case scenario, another seven from a different scheme thanks to Overwatch) and 4 healing, which can happen in this deck quite often thanks to our secondary concept:

INDIRECT REGENERATION (getting cards back into our deck):

Cards like Professor X, Concussive Blow, Sonic Rifle, Eros give you ways to prevent threat from beeing placed on the main scheme and are there so we can switch into alter ego from time to time to regenerate even more:

to get our hp back, we can heal without our basline healing 4 hp per switch into alter ego through Crew Quarters and X-Mansion.

with Vigilante Training, we can get our best thwarting option back (Making an Entrance) or get an easy confuse for 3 hp (or if we pay for that card a cofuse and 3 damage) through Concussive Blow.

The best use for this sequence would be:

  1. do your damage /play your cards in hero form and confuse the villain.

  2. go into alter ego, trigger Weapon X to thin your deck if needed and then use Vigilante Training for the cards you want and Logan's Cabin. Use X-Mansion and Crew Quarters. End the round and draw up to your handsize.

  3. trigger Logan's Cabin and now trigger Weapon X for highest chance to get a card you wanted, then add lost cards you want to keep back to your deck with Vigilante Training

  4. go back in hero form and do exactly what you need to do.

If we use Logan's Cabin in combination with Weapon X, we can get, depending how thin our deck is, a certain card back into our hand.

With Honorary X-Men you can use the x-jet in alter ego and you have together with Skilled Investigator a great protection against cards like [Caught Off Guard.


I never lacked damage with Wolverine at all. With 6 great damage events and 2 x Concussive Blow I normaly had each round enough targets for my Claws. It may be slower than a rush deck you could build with aggression, but in at least a 2 player game, this deck will consistantly have the right answer for any situation and made me feel very much like i was playing wolverine, beeing not afraid of facetanking and returning an equal amount of damage!


In a two player game, i would add 1 x Honorary X-Men and 1 x Skilled Investigator, to get the benefits for your teammate aswell. In a 3+ player game, i would add 2 x Honorary X-Men and 1 x Skilled Investigator to the deck. Especially in multiplayer, where setup is way easier and can take far longer than in a solo game, having more than 40 cards is not that big of a deal imo.

so far i had great success with this deck and went through expert Mojo Mania together with leadership Captain marvel.


Nr.1: We do not defend. We take it to the face so we can use our basic thwart.

Nr.2: We heal all the damage up again.

Nr.3: We use our Wolverine's Claws to play attack events and deal constant damage.

Nr. 4: We confuse the enemy so we can go into alter ego if needed and regenerate with Crew Quarters, X-Mansion, Vigilante Training, Weapon X and Logan's Cabin