Wasp Agg - Giant Upgrades

Card draw simulator

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Wasp / Aggression - Oversized Overkill! 23 17 2 1.0
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sanare124 · 57

Spreading the Love

Wasp in the giant form can divide her basic attack damage among multiple enemies. We would like to explore how we can utilise this effect via killing minions. In this deck, we aim to

  1. Maximise the basic attack damage of Wasp for one big swing at everyone.

  2. Provide some benefits for neutralising multiple enemies.

Maximising basic attack

Giant wasp has a base attack power of 2 which is average in the game. To make her the big AOE powerhouse, we need to increase her basic attack damage. In this deck, we will explore the use of upgrades to achieve this goal. Hand Cannon is the bread and butter of this build as each copy offers +2 to base attack damage. Armed with a Side Holster, Wasp now can do a maximum of 8 basic attack damage rivalling her signature card Pinpoint Strike.

However, we can push further! Combat Training along with Skilled Strike/Mean Swing pushes this to the 10 - 12 damage mark which is important later for triggering Hall of Heroes.

The payoff for killing minions

The main benefit is to trigger Hall of Heroes. Killing a minion a turn makes Hall of Heroes breaks even with Avengers Mansion, any more makes this a very efficient card engine. Here is where the 10-12 damage threshold comes to play as this is the average hit points of 3 minions with some points left to spare to ping the villain.

Angela and Looking for Trouble help us top up with minions to defeat. I also suggest playing this deck in multiplayer so your friends can also help you spawn minions.

Angela is an efficient way of spawning minions as you can recycle her using Nadia Van Dyne's G.I.R.L. ability.

The Godslayer gimmick

Godslayer is a good combo with Giant Wasp as you can also divide 1 damage to the villain triggering Godslayer every attack.

Specific card discussions

Hall of Heroes vs Avengers Mansion

In my opinion Hall of Heroes offers slightly better utility than Avengers Mansion. Most of the cards in this deck cost 2 resources so Hall of Heroes essentially gives an extra card play the turn it triggers in comparison to Avengers Mansion. Furthermore, Hall of Heroes is deceptively cheap since we run two copies of The Power of Aggression. To run the Mansion we will have to run The Power in All of Us which benefits less in a support/upgrade heavy deck since most cards stay in play. The exception in this deck is Hand Cannon which is also discounted by The Power of Aggression.