Ronin's Fury

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Fromundaman · 107

Welcome to a deck where Hawkeye lets the damage fly, both from arrows and from his own boosted attack stat. If you've seen any of my decks before, you will notice I like my resource generation and card draw high, and this deck is no different, and it is what will allow us to trigger all 3 of our Fluid Motions consistently once set up. Once all of the upgrades and supports are on the table, we should be quickly cycling through a pretty small deck to trigger Fluid Motion easily and hitting for big damage.

Important Cards and Combos

-Hawkeye's Quiver is one of the most important cards in this deck. Not only does storing arrows allow us versatility to put status effects when necessary and allow us to stockpile attack events, it more importantly lets us temporarily remove cards from the deck. The more arrows you stack in the quiver, the more likely it becomes that No Quarter hits red cards. This is important because...

-No Quarter is an incredibly useful card. In the early game it will help us find our Aggression upgrades and meat shlub allies, and in late game it allows us to get more aggression events to keep the turn going.

-Nick Fury You know why he's here. He's the main cycling meat shlub. All of the allies are there mostly for blocking damage though.

-Quincarrier allows us to use Mockingbird's effect for free. Admittedly she doesn't come out for free in this deck, but Heli and Mansion help get her out to block in the early game. Late game she becomes a good target for Earth's Mightiest Heroes to re-ready yourself. It also serves as a good general purpose resource along with Helicarrier and Avengers Mansion.

-Fluid Motion is the star of the deck. The idea is to use arrows and No Quarter to activate Fluid Motion, then use Quick Strike and your own basic attack to hit for up to 7 each.

-Battle Fury is the main way you re-ready. You can play it in advance to prepare for the big turns. Just make sure you use it before using No Quarter so that you can hopefully grab the second one and push your turn even farther. Earth's Mightiest Heroes also helps with the re-ready, but this one is harder to go find in the deck.

-Plan of Attack allows you to either find a crucial arrow if needed, or more importantly a No Quarter or Quick Strike, depending on when in the turn you pull it.

-Martial Prowess and Expert Marksman are how you pay for attack events, at least partially. Once set up, all of these will activate every turn. Keep in mind you can use Martial Prowess on Most of your arrows (Explosive and Cable arrows are not attack events).

Everything else

These cards are a bit more subjective. I have them in here but may remove a few, and some are just comfort picks.

-Hall of Heroes I just find this card excellent. I have it in basically all Aggression decks. That said, if your table is protecting you enough that you're not going to AE often, maybe it isn't necessary.

-Down Time and Endurance. Hawkeye is squishy. Since I'm not recurring Mockingbird every turn in this deck, I want the safety blanket of higher hp and recovery.

-The Power in All of Us. I won't lie, this card is 90% to ensure I can always get Quincarrier early and/or play Nick Fury. It's not strictly necessary, but I really like it and find it facilitates my life more often than not.

-Pretty much all of the allies: I just wanted cheap Aggression allies that could be pulled out by No Quarter to soak up hits. If you have different favorites, go ahead. Only one I think is kind of important is Angela since you'll need a minion to use No Quarter and Battle Fury.

-Moment of Triumph is another safety blanket. Honestly I probably don't need it but being squishy is scary. I may remove it in the future after more testing, but having a heal be able to come from No Quarter is pretty useful in some situations.


That's the deck. Store arrows to get to the setup cards. Once you're set up, loose the arrows and other attack events to trigger Fluid Motion, then use Quick Strike to take advantage of your 7 attack.

So far it's been tested in two handed solo for Ultron Expert 2 (w/ Streets of Mayhem added). I rarely ever play true solo so it may lack the thwart to deal with that.

Enjoy the deck!